Chapter 17

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Hoshiko walks into the busy crowd that is students walking home from school. She walks towards an empty grassy patch by the sidewalk, hoping that she can catch any slight tuff of spiky blonde hair. She sighs, frowning, not catching any familiar faces.

"Maybe this is just a lost cause," Hoshiko thinks to herself, "I probably so look so desperate right now."

She fumbles for her phone in her pocket, turning it on to reveal her notifications.

2 missed called from Mom

Hoshiko curses, before quickly dialing Ms. Amari's number, bringing the phone to her right ear. As she does this, she continues to look for the angry blonde.

"Hello?" Hoshiko hears her mom talk on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, mom," Hoshiko greets, "You called?"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot!" Ms. Amari confesses, "I need to run to the store to grab some extra things for the house, like some extra furniture and groceries. I just need you to be prepared when I come home with the things. Is that okay?"

"Yeah mom...." Hoshiko mumbles, overhearing someone yell her name from afar, "I'll talk to you later, Mom, someone is calling for me."

"Be sure to tell me about your day later! Love you!" Ms. Amari says back.

"Love you. Bye."

Hoshiko puts her phone away, turning around to the direction of her voice being called. She gives a small smile, seeing Kirishima, the boy with lighting hair, and a stubborn Katsuki trailing from behind.

"Oh," Hoshiko says shyly, "Hello."

"You did so well in the exam, Amari!" the boy with lightning hair exclaims.

"Of course she did, Kaminari," Kirishima tells the boy, "She's like the daughter of the number 2 hero!"

Hoshiko blushes from the compliment, then noticing Katsuki to her right, showcasing a menacing scowl. Her blush soon fades away, and she looks over back at Kirishima.

"Is there anything you guys need from me?" She asks the redhead.

Kirishima stands dumbfounded for a second, before perking up, as if he remembers what he was going to tell Hoshiko.

"Oh yeah, we were wondering if you wanted to walk home with us. Kaminari said he saw you walking to school earlier in the direction where all of us live around" Kirishima offers.

Hoshiko looks at the three boys, mainly directing her attention to Katsuki, who gives a loud tsk and starts to walk off. Simultaneously, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Hoshiko sigh, before following behind Katsuki, no words spoken.

"How in the hell did those two manage to have Katsuki join them," Hoshiko mumbles, before looking ahead of her at the sidewalk, seeing Katsuki walking 20 feet in front of them, "somewhat."

She vaguely listens in to the boy's conversation, in a conversation of her own. This was her chance to talk to Katsuki, to see how he has been the last 11 years. She looks at the two boys, finding them both to be in their complete own world, discussing the new school academics and about superheroes themselves. She gives a sigh, before adjusting her backpack on her shoulders, running over to Katsuki's form. Kirishima and Kaminari don't even notice her disappearance, continuing to talk about whatever their hearts desire.

"Kacchan!" Hoshiko calls out.

The spiky blonde notices her callout but continues to walk, slightly faster. Hoshiko gives a small frown, but catches up to him, managing to walk at the same speed as him. She looks up at Katsuki, noticing their height difference for the first time, seeing him slightly tower over here. She was taller than Uraraka, but not as tall as Katsuki, leaving her in between 156 centimeters and 172 centimeters. Hoshiko scrunches up her nose in thought, thinking of the right words to say.

As she comes up with the right words, Katsuki speaks beside her.

"What do you want?" he growls out.

Taken about, Hoshiko sputters slightly, finding her voice to be hidden. She stuffs her hands into her coat pockets, before speaking.

"How have you been these past years?" Hoshiko manages to say, "It's been awhile."

"No shit it's been a while" Katsuki fires back, unphased by her words, "I've been getting stronger to take the number one spot as a hero."

"Seems like a lot of people want that title," Hoshiko tells Katsuki, "You sure you can get that spot?"

"You doubting me?" Katsuki scowls once more, Hoshiko noticing the bottom of his head, at the earlobe, getting red by the second. It was actually something Hoshiko never noticed as a kid when she was with Katsuki and Izuku- she never got to see his ears. His ears were always covered by his spiky hair. It was intriguing, seeing as his anger flares up, so does his ears.

"Never said I was doubting you, Kacchan" Hoshiko mumbles, trying to ease the situation, "Just saying it won't be a walk in the park."

"Besides...." Hoshiko starts, coming to a stop.

Seeing this, Katsuki stops as well, turning to face her, both teenagers staring at each other.

"....Who says I'm not gonna aim for that spot too?"

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