Chapter 7

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"Hoshiko Amari!"

"Hoshiko Amari! Wake your ass up!"

Hoshiko jolts in alarm, staring at the direction of the noise. She groans, her eyes clearing up and sharpening, seeing her mother stand at the door. Hoshiko raises her arm, rubbing her eyes when she realizes where she was.

"Mom?" Hoshiko mumbles, "Why am I in the garage?"

"You don't remember? You were training here last night. I didn't let you go out to the park last night to train so you decided to sleep in here," Ms. Amari explains, folding her arms, "You must have fallen asleep last night, and you told me to wake you up early today."

"Hmmm," Hoshiko hums, sitting up from the garage tile floor, rubbing her head, "What time is it?"

"5:50 AM. You might want to change your clothes, and get some breakfast."

Hoshiko looks down at her clothes, finding herself in sweatpants and a lousy green tank top, reeking with her sweat. Hoshiko stumbles as she gets off from the ground, before walking over to her mom. She looks up at Ms. Hoshiko, seeing her mom looking elegant and simple as ever. With her dark blue hair tied up into a long, cascading braid, wearing just a simple long-sleeve yellow t-shirt and black dress pants. She wore her house slippers, a soft fuzzy brown color. Ms. Amari sighs down at her daughter, patting her head, before ushering her inside, directing her towards her room to get changed.

"Go change! I'll start with breakfast!" Ms. Amari states, "You're gonna need as much energy for the exams today!"

Hoshiko hums in acknowledge, trudging up the staircase that led to the second floor. The house, in itself, was too perfect and simple for Hoshiko. With over 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, it would have been the perfect place to live with her family...if her father and sister were still alive and around. Hoshiko walks to the end of the hallway, to the last door on the left, where her room was. She opens the door hastily, not bothering to close it behind her. Her muscles ached from training last night, but Hoshiko didn't mind. She just hopes it would all be worth it in the end. She walks over to her closet, a small, dainty little thing, and slides it open, revealing her clothes. It had been 3 days since Hoshiko and her mother moved into the home, so she didn't have many clothes to choose from. They couldn't pack everything in the car on the ride there, and earlier Ms. Amari had already shipped their furniture to the home, so all that was left was the smaller things that could easily fit in their car. Hoshiko remembers the last two days, being the one to lift the heavy things, like the couch or the bedroom frames into their desired rooms. It wasn't hard, thanks to her quirk she inherited from her father. With her teleportation quirk, she also inherited her father's inhuman strength, her strength almost 3 times more than any average teenage girl. She wasn't strong enough to pick cars, but lifting furniture didn't phase her at all.

The purple-haired girl hums to herself, grabbing her old set of uniform. She would have thrown the old uniform away if it wasn't for the U.A. entrance exam code. Before entering the exams, you were supposed to wear your regular school uniforms, a way to show respect and to not take U.A. for granted. Begrudgingly, Hoshiko threw her top and bottoms off, sliding into the black skirt and white mix with a blue and red blouse. She undoes her messy ponytail, letting her long light purple locks rest on her shoulders, as she looks for her old school shoes and socks. She finds them, stuffed away in the corner of her closet, and grabs them, quickly putting them on. Hoshiko sighs, walking over to one of the bathrooms on the second floor, looking at herself in the mirror. She looked fair, with her old school uniform fitting her like a glove. Then again her uniform isn't considered old, she stopped wearing it a week ago, by the time she and her mom moved. She doesn't bother staying inside the bathroom for long, walking out of it, and downstairs towards the kitchen, seeing her mother cook on the stove.

"Mom?" Hoshiko asks quietly, taking a seat at the wooden table in the house.

"Yes, dear?" Ms. Amari hums, glancing over at her daughter.

"Can you help me with my hair?" Hoshiko asks, "I need it to be in one of your tight braids."

"No problem, dear. I'll do it after breakfast."


It was 10 minutes after Hoshiko and Ms. Amari had eaten breakfast, and Hoshiko was ready to get going to U.A. Hoshiko stands still, feeling Ms. Amari tying her hair into her signature tight braid.



"What happens if I don't get into U.A.?"

Hoshiko feels her mother's hands stop in her hair, before moving again, braiding her hair.

"If things don't work, then you know there are other hero schools you can attend, darling," Ms. Amari says, "No matter what, I will be proud of you for just trying. But I know that you will do well on these exams. You have our Amari blood in you. You're going to do well, I can sense it."

Hoshiko thinks about her mother's words, before smiling, right as Ms. Amari ties Hoshiko's braid off with a hairband, finishing. Hoshiko turns around and gives her mother a hug, said woman hugging back just as equally.

"I love you, mom," Hoshiko says, "I want to pass these exams. I want to go to the school dad went."

"You will do fine. Trust me."

Hoshiko pulls away, before walking over to the coat hanger by the door, grabbing her black jacket. She puts it on, zipping it up, hiding her school uniform top. She pulls her braid out of her jacket, letting it rest behind her back. Hoshiko goes to the other side of the door, grabbing her dark blue backpack, putting it on her shoulders, ready to leave. Just as she was about to open the door to leave, she hears her mom call out to her.

"Knock them down, sweetheart!"

Hoshiko turns to her mother, seeing her mom's hopeful smile, before she copies the smile, giving a nod. She walks out the front door, leaving her mom inside the house. This was her time to take the step. It was time for the exams.

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