Chapter 58 ~ My Mark On The World

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New chapter! I'm sorry it's been so long... 


Dedication goes to: @latinafireball for following!

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Chapter 58 ~ My Mark On The World

We reached our first campground after a couple more hours. I recognized it as the place where the Crebain would show up to spy on us. But it was way too dark for that to happen now. It must be tomorrow when that happens. See? I'm learning so much random stuff about what happens that even the Great Peter Jackson himself doesn't know! I giggled to myself a bit at this thought.

As everyone began setting up camp, I walked over to one of the largest boulders in the area. Picking up a small, sharp stone, I began to carve into the boulder. It took me about half an hour, but I finally accomplished my mission. My name was now carved into the rock in four different languages: Westron (aka Common Tongue / English), Elvish, Ancient Dwarvish, and Gallifreyan!

I smiled at my handiwork and chuckled at the last one. Everyone here would have no idea what on Middle Earth it was! Well, it is the language of the Time Lords after all. I wouldn't expect anyone in my city to know it, let alone someone from Middle Earth who had no idea what Doctor Who was. I frowned a bit at this thought... no more Doctor who?? Oh, well... but I was really looking forward to the new Doctor, I thought, pouting. I was broken out of my Nerd trance by Boromir.

"What on Middle Earth is that?" he asked in confusion.

"My name..." I stated, "In four languages. You like?"

He brushed his fingers over the carvings.

"Well... I understand this one, of course." he said, pointing to the words in Westron, "This one is Elvish, and I'm assuming this is some form of Dwarvish... But... I have no idea what the last one could possibly be!"

He ran a hand through his messy hair and scratched his head. At the mention of Dwarvish, Gimli had strolled over to us. He almost choked on the piece of bread he was chewing on.

"M' eyes must be deceivin' me!" he exclaimed in excitement, "Tha' couldna possibly be Ancient Dwarvish?"

"Yes it is." I nodded, smiling at him.

"Ya know Ancient Dwarvish?"

"Of course I know Ancient Dwarvish! I'm like the biggest Tolkeinite ever!!"

He looked a little confused at my exclamation, but shook it off.

"Would ya mind teachin' it to m' lass?"

"I started squirming in excitement a little when we began. Come on, I was teaching Gimli Ancient Dwarvish! He handed me some parchment, ink, and a feather quill and I roughly scratched out all the runes. I explained what each of the different runes stood for and some of the language's most important rules. It clicked instantly with the Dwarf, and he thanked me profusely. He folded up the precious piece of parchment and put it into his pocket.

"I am indebted to ya, Lass." he said, a small smile on his gruff face and a warm look in his eye.

"You are very welcome Gimli." I said, glancing at Boromir who had been watching mine and the Dwarf's interesting exchange.

Gimli walked away and Boromir strolled back over to me.

"You are in serious danger of making that Dwarf fall madly in love with you." he stated, a serious look on his face.

I opened my mouth in shock and tried to say something, but words were unable to come out. I must have looked like a fish or something with the way my mouth was opening and closing soundlessly. Boromir saw my reaction and burst out laughing. I scrunched my face in confusion.

"What's so funny?"

"I... I was..." he laughed, trying to speak through his chortles, "I was simply jesting with you Jewel..."


I smacked him in the arm and he stopped laughing.

"May I ask what that was for?"

"For giving me the scare of my life. Just imagine what I would have had to put up with on the rest of this journey dealing with a love-struck Dwarf!"

He laughed once more and I hit him again for good measure.

"I already have to deal with y-" I began, stopping my self just in time.

"With what, Jewel?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Nothing." I said, solemnly.

He gave me a weird look before asking: "Would you like another lesson with the sword?"

I gulped as my mind immediately went back to the last time he gave me a 'lesson.'

"No thank you." I replied, before walking away.

I did not need a repeat of that...


Like my Doctor Who reference? ;) 

Oh, and if you look over to the side, you will see what Julie carved into the stone! >>>


If any of you are interested in making covers or edits, please let me know! I would love them!


I'll try to update soon!!


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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