Chapter 5 ~ Layfeld

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Well..... again none of you guessed right! You all thought it would be a girl Hobbit!! But you couldn't be more wrong! Anyways, no more about it! Read!


This chapter is dedicated to @vampirerose14 for fanning!


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Chapter 5 ~ Layfeld

I just couldn't believe it! It was completely impossible! How did I end up in Middle Earth?

I felt like Alice in Wonderland! This just couldn't be happening! It was like a dream come true!

Scratch that! It IS a dream come true!

I giggled to myself as I looked around the filthy little village. The gatekeeper peered at me strangely.

"Is there somethin' yer lookin' fer, Miss?"

I spun around to face him, my mind racing. What should I do? What did I know in Bree?

And then my nerd skills reminded me of something! Of course!

"I'm looking for the Prancing Pony please." I smiled at the gatekeeper.

"Alrighty, Miss, one moment."

He whistled shrilly and a little boy came running up out of nowhere. Although he was completely covered in dirt, his eyes shone brightly at me.

The gatekeeper addressed the little boy and said, "Now, Boy, I want ya to take this here Lady to the Prancin' Pony!"

The boy nodded and looked over at me, grinning.

"And no lollygaggin' about, ya hear!"

The boy nodded again and walked up to me. I took his small hand in my own and he began to lead me through the village.

I smiled at the small boy and asked his name.

"My name's Layfeld, Miss." he replied in a shy little voice.

"And how old are you Layfeld?" I asked.

"Seven, Ma'am." he all but whispered.

I looked down at him and smiled, he seemed like a very nice boy.

"Well Layfeld, my name is Julianna Haywood and I'm twenty-one."

"Ya've a very pretty name Miss Haywood."

I laughed at his sweetness.

"Thank you Layfeld, but you can call me Julie."

"Alright, Mi... Julie!"

I was ecstatic, after only a few minutes of realizing where I was, I had already made a new friend.

I squeezed his muddy hand and followed my small companion deeper into Bree...


Ahhhhh!!!!! You finally met Layfeld! He's absolutely adorable and he's even cuter in the next chapter!

What do you guys think of Layfeld? I know you don't know much about him yet, but you will! (insert cute wink)

Oh, and by the way... we're going to meet another one of Tolkien's characters in the next chapter!

Who will it be??? (insert evil laugh)

Best guess gets the next dedication!!!

See you next Thursday for Chapter 6!

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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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