Chapter 47 ~ The Fellowship of the Ring

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Hello all! I've been 17 for about a week now and it feels really weird... I liked being 16...   :(    Don't mind me, just reminiscing about the past...

Anywho, enjoy my awesomeness...

Dedication goes to: @swilson456 for following!

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Chapter 47 ~ The Fellowship of the Ring

"I will take it."

Gandalf turned toward the Hobbit and sighed.

"I will take the Ring to Mordor." Frodo continued.

I looked at the faces of the Council members. They were all completely shocked. Aragorn looked impressed and Gimli was absolutely amazed.

"Though... I do not know the way."

Gandalf stepped towards him.

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it yours to bear."

Aragorn stood up.

"If by my life or death I can protect you... I will." he said, kneeling in front of Frodo, "You have my sword."

Gandalf looked over at the astonished Elrond and winked.

"And you have my bow." said Legolas, stepping forward.

"And my ax." added Gimli.

Legolas looked down at him in annoyance as if he were a bug or something.

"You carry the fates of us all, little one." said Boromir, glancing over at me with a small, proud smirk on his face, "If this is indeed the will of the Council... then Gondor will see it done."

"Hyagghh!" came a voice from some bushes behind me.

Sam and Layfeld ran out; Layfeld coming over and jumping on my lap, and Sam standing beside Frodo.

"Frodo's not going anywhere without me."

"No indeed!" remarked Elrond, amused, "It is hardly possible to seperate you, even when he is summoned to a secret Council and you are not.

He smirked and Sam hung his head a bit.

"Oy!" came another voice from behind two pillars.

Pippin and Merry came rushing out.

"We're coming too!" demanded Merry, standing beside Frodo, "You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us."

Frodo smiled at him and Pippin spoke up.

"Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission. Quest. Thing."

He nodded, smiling, and then stopped. He looked at Merry confused. Elrond sighed and was about to speak when I stood up. I placed Layfeld on my chair and stepped towards Elrond.

"I would like to offer my help, if I may."

He raised an eyebrow.

"A woman cannot come on a journey like this!" exclaimed Boromir, "We will have enough trouble keeping the Hobbits safe, let alone her!"

I crossed my arms defensively.

"Shows how much you know!" I retorted, "I can take care of myself!"

Boromir opened his mouth to speak again, but Elrond raised his hand for silence.

"Perhaps he is right, Lady Julie. The lands ahead are fraught with dangers."

"I'll be fine!" I insisted, "Besides, you said I had a choice to make ahead. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to reach it sitting around here on my butt!"

"The lass has proved herself to be skilled with a blade, my Lord Elrond." said Aragorn, smiling at me, "With proper training and some practice, she could be a formidable swordswoman."

Boromir rolled his eyes and scoffed. Elrond looked us all over.

"Ten companions... So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!"

When he said that, I could almost hear majestic music playing in the background. Pippin smiled and licked his lips in excitement.

"Great!" he said, looking up innocently, "Where are we going?"


Aren't I amazing??? Get ready for even more awesomeness next chapter!!

Picture of the incredible Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins) on the side >>>>>

"Legolas looked down at him in annoyance as if he were a bug or something."

This is one of my favourite lines in this story so far. I laughed writing it and I laugh every time I read over this chapter.

What is one of your favourite lines from MAY IT BE??? I want to know what you guys like about my writing!!!!


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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