Chapter 52 ~ Falling

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Here it is everyone!! The chapter I have been wanting to share with you for so long! And now it's here! What are you doing? Why are you reading this? Go read the chapter!! 


 Dedication goes to: @jashinistt for following!

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Chapter 52 ~ Falling

I looked at Boromir in amazement as he unsheathed his sword.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned, taking a step back.

"Come on, Jewel. Impress me." he said, smiling, "Put that hard head of yours to use!"

He jumped back in surprise as I lashed out at him in anger. My sword zipped throught the air, but he skillfully twisted his blade and brought mine to a halt. A loud squeak erupted from the blades as they scraped against each other. He pushed me back and my eyes flashed at him. He swung his sword towards my body, but I spun mine up just in time. I grunted and swung my sword at his head. I managed to nick his cheek and a tiny scratch appeared.

He wiped his hand across his face and his eyes darkened at the sight of his blood on his hand. He rushed at me, the most intense I had ever seen him. 'No one messed with him', his face was saying. Well, almost no one. I smiled and sidestepped him, watching him go by me. But as he did, he brought his foot behind my legs and knocked me down. As I fell, I managed to hook the back of his knee with my hand and pull him down with me.

We landed on the stone in a heap. My body screamed in pain as my head knocked the ground. My mind went fuzzy and I shook my head dizzily. When my eyes focused, I found myself staring into the eyes of the big idiot who was currently lying on top of me.

"Boromir..." I began.

The most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life awaited me when I looked up into his face. Greens and blues swirled together seamlessly - they almost seemed to shimmer. And scattered throughout the seas, flecks of gold appeared, making his bright eyes pierce into my very soul. I gazed up at him in wonder, watching as he looked down at me. His eyes glanced down at my lips and then back to my eyes. He swallowed almost nervously and began to lower face down to mine, never breaking eye contact.

I gasped slightly as I realized what he was about to do. He was going to kiss me! Boromir of Gondor, the most annoying and obnoxious man I had ever met was going to kiss me! If I wasn't completely mesmerized by his eyes, I probably would have done something to stop him; but I couldn't. I was frozen. Just as his lips were about to brush over mine, I heard a loud cough from above. Breaking out of our trance, we looked up at the amused face of Aragorn. Blushing deeply, I quickly pushed Boromir off me and scrambled to my feet.

He still sat on the ground, a faint blush on his cheeks. I gave him my hand and helped him to his feet. He quietly thanked me and began to leave the courtyard. Layfeld, who had been playing with rocks at the edge of the courtyard, ran over to him and gave him a hug around his legs. Boromir smiled at the boy and continued walking. Layfeld ran back over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked over at Aragorn and he was still smiling. I blushed once again, grabbing my sword and Layfeld's hand. Aragorn was about to speak when I interrupted him.

"Just shut up and don't say anything!" I growled, and stormed away.


And there it is... What did you think? Do you love it as much as I do? Tell me!

On the side is a picture of the amazing Sean Bean! The one who has become endeared into our hearts on this journey. BOROMIR >>>>>


Hey minions! Any artists out there? Because I would love it if you would be willing to make some covers and edits for me! 

If you are interested, let me know in the comments or message me privately.

I can't wait to see the stuff that you guys come up with!


I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and I won't be back until the 19th. So no updates until at least the 20th. Sorry...


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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