Chapter 43 ~ An Escort

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Sup, my minions? I'm sorry I haven't been able to update sooner, but I was studying for my Chemistry exam which is FINALLY over. Luckily, only two of my classes have exams this semester; so my next one isn't till Thursday. Anyways, enough of my rambling... Here is my FAVOURITE chapter so far! (and one of the longest, by the way)

Dedication goes to: @ladyghostofarose for all her AMAZING COMMENTS!

Comment, Vote, and Follow!!!


Chapter 43 ~ An Escort

"Well... hello there, my Lady!" Boromir commented, turning around, a smile on his annoying face, "And how are you?"

"Just fine, thank you." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"And where are you headed to?"

"Nowhere in particular..."

He looked me up and down suspiciously and then smirked.

"You're lost, aren't you?"

"No! Well... what if I am?" I retorted, crossing my arms defensively.

"Then you should ask someone for help." he chuckled.

"Oh, and who should I ask? I don't really see anyone around here worth asking."

The smirk disappeared.

"Now, if you will excuse me..." I began, trying to sneak around him.

"Not so fast, my Lady." he laughed, grabbing my arm, "You are still lost, and it is my duty as a gentleman to make sure you get to your destination safely."

"Oh, fine!" I growled.

He smiled and placed my hand securely in the crook of his arm and began leading me down the hall. We passed several Elves while walking and I opened my mouth to ask for help, but Boromir gave me a stern look. Sighing in frustration, I finally gave in. We stepped into a small courtyard and Boromir stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I have just realized that you haven't told me where you would like to go." he said, his cheeks going bright red.

I took one look at his face and burst out laughing. He frowned at me.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well, what?" I giggled.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Oh, um... my room."

"Your room?"


"Very well..." he sighed, taking my arm again and leadin me through an archway.

We walked together in silence for about ten minutes and then came to a balcony. It had a view of all of Rivendell. I stepped out onto the balcony and dragged Boromir along with me. I stood on the edge, leaning on the rail, and admired the view below me. Rivendell was absolutely beautiful. The sun was setting and gave the entire valley a golden glow. The very air shimmered around me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I remarked, taking it all in.

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." sighed Boromir from beside me.

I glanced sideways at him and caught him staring at me.

"Uh... well..." he stuttered, looking away, "Let's get you to your room, shall we?"

I nodded and, taking his arm, walked with him until we reached my room.

"Thank you." I stated, pulling my arm free from his grip.

"You're very welcome, my Lady." he smirked, giving me a wink.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Goodnight, Sir." I said, opening my door and walking in.

"Goodnight..." he began.

I shut the door behind me and leaned against it.

"...Julie." whispered a quiet voice from behind the door.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards my bed, but then stopped in my tracks. How did Boromir know where my room was?


OOOOooooo.... stalker Boromir, perhaps? Lol, just kidding. What did you guys think of this chapter? I had a LOT of fun writing it! :)

It''s an amazing feeling to play God with your characters and to control every moment happening. Well, obviously I have to follow the story line... But sometimes the characters tend to have minds of their own... Sometimes I don't know what's going to happen next until I have written it.

I've put a picture of Harry the Gatekeeper, AKA: Martyn Sanderson. Even though the actor is dead, he still deserves to have his picture up here with the rest of the cast. >>>>>

(I know, what a happy thought I've just given you to end the chapter!)

Anyways.... until we meet again! Which will be sometime after Thursday. (I do have a life, just so you all know!)

{no she doesn't}

Who is that? Hello? No answer? Alright... I'm going crazy...

I'm just gonna go curl up in my bed and wallow in self-pity...


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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