Chapter 18 ~ Setting Off

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Hey guys! Well, I ran the Spartan Race on Father's Day and... well, I survived! 45 burpies, bruises, scrapes, rope burn, and lots of mud later... I'm still alive!!!

This dedication goes to: @DovahOfMirkwood for answering the question correctly!

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Chapter 18 ~ Setting Off

Sam and Layfeld became very attached to that pony; even Strider grew rather fond of him. Though I really couldn't blame them; Bill was adorable. Once we had loaded all of the food and other equipment onto Bill's back, we set off through the village.

The villagers stared at our strange little group with wide eyes, but I didn't blame them. I mean, really... a Ranger, four Hobbits, a little boy, and a girl who looked like she had escaped from the mad house... yeah, I didn't blame them at all.

As we walked through the gate, opened for us by the new gatekeeper; Layfeld grabbed my hand. I squeezed it reassuringly. I could tell that he had cared for that old, cranky gatekeeper.

"It's going to be alright, Layfeld." I whispered into his ear, "Everything's going to be just fine."

He looked up at me and smiled, relief flooding from his eyes. Strider walked past us and ruffled his hair. Sam led our new-found friend through the gate and told us to get going.

I stepped out onto the road, filled with determination and excitement. After all, I was in Middle Earth with my heroes, and we were going to Rivendell!

We walked down the road in silence, the only noise coming from Bill's little hooves on the path. It seemed like we had been walking for hours, when we finally reached the end of the trees. We stepped out into the open, a cool breeze assaulting us instantly. Layfeld shivered and I drew him closer to myself.

The hills surrounding us were bare, only a few small trees dotted the vast landscape. Strider marched forward and we followed. Frodo's face had an unreadable expression as we set off.

"Where are you taking us?"

I stifled a laugh as I remembered that the Hobbits still had no idea where we were going yet; neither did Layfeld for that matter. But I kept my mouth shut and waited for Strider's answer.

"Into the Wild." he all but whispered.

I glanced back at the Hobbits behind me, they seemed to be okay with this answer for now; but I could see the doubt on their faces growing with each step. Layfeld saw their faces, and his own filled with concern. I leant down and whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry, Layfeld. He knows where he's going."


Two weeks ago @shadowspinner won the dedication, but her question came in a bit late, so I'll answer it now. Her question was: (would you rather fight 10 orcs or 1 urgal {from the Inheritance Cycle})

I think I would rather fight the urgal. Even though it's huge and tough, It's only one thing to worry about instead of ten things coming from all sides.

@BETTISGR12 won the last dedication and her question was: (Do you like bacon and why or why not?)

I think bacon is the most amazing thing you could ever put in your mouth! In fact, I love bacon so much, that I'm trying to organize a bacon/LOTR party!!! My two favorite things ever at once! My friends think I'm weird but I don't care... Bacon is amazing!


@DovahOfMirkwood won this dedication so... Ask me anything! Oh, and the answer to what killed Oin in Moria was: The Watcher In The Water.

For the next dedication, I want you all to guess what color my bedroom is. Yes, I know it's a lame question, but I'm trying to think up some better ones so bear with me. First person to answer correctly gets the dedication.


Facebook: Walling247

Instagram: Personal (@Walling247) Fandom (@lordoftherings247)

May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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