Chapter 59 ~ Tales of Jealousy

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Hello everyone! I apologize profusely for how long it's been since I updated. I have no other excuse except... life... It's been crazy for me over the past year. I've graduated high school, did a 4 month co-op in a massage and physiotherapy clinic, got a well-paying job finally, got accepted into all the college programs that I applied for, decided to pursue massage therapy, went through three disappointing almost-relationships, I'm producing and stage managing a play right now, I'm also in a musical that has intense rehearsals, I'm working as much as I can to save money for college in the fall, and... yeah... it's been really stressful on me... 

But things have calmed down a lot now, so I will be trying to update at LEAST once a month from now on. Once again, I thank you all for sticking with this story for so long, and for having so much patience with me! You guys are amazing and I love you all!


Check out the amazing cover that was made by @Winter_Darke !!! I love it sooooo much! Thanks again for your fantabulous  artwork!! <3


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Chapter 59 ~ Tales of Jealousy

I strolled over to where I had left my pack. I grabbed my sleeping roll and was about to look for a spot to set it up when Layfeld came bounding over to me.

"No Mum, let me do it!"

"Alright..." I shrugged, slightly confused, and walked over to the fire that had just been made by Gimli.

The only really available place to sit was a medium-ish sized rock in between Aragorn and Boromir. This was going to be fun... I settled down onto the cold stone and began to warm my hands by the fire. The twisty orange flames danced along the charred pieces of wood like horses prancing through ocean surf. The small blue flames mesmerized me as I wondered how the hottest part of the fire could be the coldest colour.

My musings were broken by Pippin and Merry stating that supper was ready. The Fellowship began to talk about great tales of old. Layfeld joined the rest of us, but I raised my eyebrows a bit when he decided to sit on Boromir's lap instead of mine.

A touch of jealousy arose within me, but then I sighed at the adorable picture before me. Oh, if I only had a camera... The two of them sat there, eating their strips of bacon, and talking quietly. I smiled; Layfeld needs some strong men in his life. And like I've already admitted, Boromir is strong. I'm just worried at how it will affect Layfeld when we eventually reach Boromir's death. It hurts me inside just thinking about it. I can't imagine what it will do to Layfeld. Gazing at them, the way they were acting around each other, someone could easily mistake them for father and son.

Whoaaa there Julie! Let's slow down, take a sharp turn to the left, and throw where that thought is heading out the window! I took a deep breath... That's better...

"Tell us a story of where you come from, Julie!" asked Pippin excitedly, chewing on a piece of chicken.

"Yes Julie, a tale from the Far North!" Merry agreed heartily.

"Ugghh... Um... Oh, I don't know..." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

What on earth was I going to say? Gandalf and I shared a glance before I sighed at the other nine sets of eyes looking curiously at me. My mind raced and I finally settled on telling them a fairytale.

"Okay..." I began, as my companions grinned at me, "This is a story I grew up with. It's a children's story, but I still love it. It's the sort of story a mother or father would tell to their children before they went to sleep."

The eyes kept staring at me, their interest sparked.

"Tell the story, Mum!" Layfeld exclaimed, impatiently, whilst bouncing up and down on Boromir's knee.

"Alright. This is a story about a girl named Cinderella."

Some of them raised their eyebrows at the peculiar name, but I just continued. Cinderella was my favourite fairytale growing up, and they were going to hear it!


Once again, I'm sorry for how long it's been. Hope you liked this chapter!

If anyways wants to do a cover May It Be, just send me a private message. I'd love some more!

Hope to update soon!


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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