Chapter 13 ~ Questions Asked and Questions Answered

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Hey there my wonderful Tolkienites!

The dedication goes to: @FutureAuthor3 for that awesome fact about her!


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Chapter 13 ~ Questions Asked and Questions Answered

Strider decided that it would be safest for us to share his room with him. The Hobbits agreed; but payed for another so if anyone asked for them, they wouldn't be found.

I sat down in a chair in the corner of the room and Strider walked over to me. I could see the curiosity burning in his eyes.

"What's your part in this?" he asked.

"I got lost on my way from the far North, and I stopped here for the night. I was hoping to get a guide to take me the rest of the way."

"And where are you heading?"


An expression of surprise crossed his face for a moment.

"And why there, may I ask?"

"I prefer to keep that to myself if you don't mind."

I decided that I would rather be secretive than have to lie more than I already have.

"It's quite alright, Miss... I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name!"

"It's Julianna Haywood, but you can call me Julie." I smiled.

"Well then, Julie... It seems you have found your guide. I am also heading to Rivendell and taking the Hobbits with me."

"I thought they were waiting for a friend of theirs... a Wizard?" I asked, trying to play innocent.

"There is no more time... we must leave at dawn... it's too dangerous to stay here any longer."


"I'd rather not say things that are not mine to say."


He stood up and walked over to the other side of the room, sitting down in a chair by the window.

While we had been talking, the Hobbits had gotten quite comfortable in the big bed. They offered me a place, but I said that the chair was fine for me.

The Hobbits curled up and fell asleep immediately. Pippin began to snore softly and drool started to creep out of the corner of his mouth.

I smiled and chuckled softly to myself. It looked like I had gotten myself completely mixed up in this adventure.

And I couldn't complain...


Looks like Julianna's on her way to Rivendell! Yay! Tell me what you think!


@FutureAuthor3 won the last dedication and asked: (What is the scariest creature you can think of?)

This question was really hard, because I'm not really scared of anything. But, I can tell you about a childhood fear and one thing that doesn't scare me, but really creeps me out.

When I was five I saw The Wizard of Oz and the Wicked Witch of the West gave me nightmares for months. The green face haunted my dreams, and I slept in my parent's bed almost every night.

The one thing that really creeps me out is this thing from Doctor Who. In the first season there's these people with gas masks embedded into their faces. They walk around in trances saying: Mummy? Are you my Mummy? Where's my Mummy? They say it in a cute, childlike voice. I'm sure if you search: (doctor who are you my mummy) on Youtube you'll find it. Anyways, it really creeps me out.


The random fact about @FutureAuthor3 was: (Her cousin played one of the Bananas from the old kids TV show: Bananas in Pyjamas.) I used to love that show! I can hear the theme song playing in my head right now: Bananas in pyjamas are running down the stairs. Banana in pyjamas are chasing teddy bears...

Sorry, got carried away...

So, @FutureAuthor3, you get to ask me any question you want... again!


Here's a random fact about me!

I don't know how much you guys know about Canada (best country ever by the way), but I'm related to the guy on the five dollar bill. His name is Sir Wilfred Laurier, and he was Prime Minister of Canada. He's my Grandma's cousin. He's dead now...


Anyways, see you guys next week!

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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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