Chapter 27 ~ Blade Upon Blade

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Hey guys! How ya'll doing??? Time to continue the best story ever! (I'm just slightly biest) Anyways, go read!!!

This chapter is dedicated to: @Lovewhatyoutake for fanning/following!

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Chapter 27 ~ Blade Upon Blade

Frodo screamed in agony as the blade pierced his shoulder. Layfeld and I flinched at the sound and my blood started to boil. I couldn't take it anymore! I crawled out of my hiding place and pushed Layfeld further back. I picked up a sword that one of the Hobbits had dropped.

The weight was strange in my hands. The swords I had used in my fencing classes back home were skinnier and much lighter. I gripped the handle with both of my hands and walked towards the closest wraith. When it noticed me it gave a small screech and raised its blade. I prayed that I would remember my lessons and not die.

I swung my sword at the Nazgûl, but it jumped out of the way. Its blade cut through the air towards my chest and I barely had time to get my sword up before it sliced me completely in half. The crash of the swords throbbed up my hand and into my arms, pain filling them.

The clang as they struck nearly deafened me. I blocked the next swing down towards my leg and gave the wraith a swing of my own. The sound of Strider yelling as he jumped towards the Nazgûl near Frodo - who had pulled off the Ring - gave me just enough time to stab my Nazgûl while it was distracted.

"Frodo!" Sam yelled, running towards the figure writhing on the ground in pain.

"Oh, Sam..." he groaned.

The Nazgûl I stabbed had dissapeared and the sword along with it. At least there were only four left now. I picked up another sword as I watched Strider set one of the Nazgûl on fire. It bumped into another one beside it and lit that one on fire as well.

I was about to attack another one when I heard Layfeld's voice calling me. He was with the Hobbits, who were now all huddled around Frodo. I ran over to him and squeezed him tight as Strider chased a Nazgûl off the side of the tower. I smiled at Layfeld and the Hobbits, but it melted away as I looked up.

The last Nazgûl was creeping towards us, his twisted blade outstretched...


Haha! And here's another cliffhanger to keep you all hating me! Yay! (evil cackle)

Go following me and you'll get a dedication eventually! If you comment something nice, you might get one! GO VOTE!!! (if you want) (I'll love you forever)(:D)(<3)

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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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