Chapter 15 ~ A New Family Member

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Hello there my wonderful Tolkienites!
Since none of you guessed Strider's reaction, the dedication goes to @Mizuki_and_Kakashi for fanning!
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Chapter 15 ~ A New Family Member

I managed to calm Layfeld down enough to stop crying. I tucked him into the bed beside the Hobbits, who were all sleeping again.

I grabbed my chair and set it beside the bed so I could hold his hand. Strider came over to me, he didn't look too pleased.

"Who is this boy, Julie?"

"This is Layfeld... I met him this afternoon. He showed me the way to the Inn."

Strider knelt down beside the bed and looked at the trembling little boy. His expression softened.

"Hey, son, why are you here? Why didn't you go to your parents instead?"

"I... I haven't got any parents..."

Strider glanced up at me, concern clearly written across his face.

"Layfeld, what do you mean?" I asked, "I sent you home to your parents to sleep."

"I lived with the gatekeeper. He fed me and let me sleep at his house in exchange fer doin' chores and runnin' errands fer him."

He sat up and looked at me, tears filling his blue eyes once more.

"Now, I don't have anyone. I'm all alone..."

I knew then that I couldn't leave him here by himself. We were brought together for a reason. I had grown to love this little boy, and I was going to take care of him.

"You're not alone, Layfeld! You have me. And I won't be alone anymore either, because I'll have you!"

He looked up at me, a smile spreading across his adorable little face. He jumped out of the bed and tackled me out of my chair to the ground.

"Ya mean we'll be a family?"

I smiled and hugged him back tightly.

"Yes Layfeld, a family. You won't be alone ever again. I promise!"

I tucked him back into the bed and he fell asleep instantly, a smile on his face.

Strider turned to me and opened his mouth. I held up my hand to stop him.

"I know what you're going to say. This trip is too dangerous for a little boy like him. But that boy has worked his way into my heart and he's coming with me! Whether you're the one to take us or not!"

I crossed my arms defensively and held my ground. A smirk spread across his face.

"I was going to say no such thing. I like the boy myself. He's got spirit, just like you."

My expression softened at his words.

"But you do need to understand how much that boy is going to depend on you. He sees you as more than just a friend or a sister. You've become a mother figure to him, I hope you've realized that."

I swallowed and looked at the sleeping boy, realizing for the first time just what I've gotten myself into.
Yay! Layfeld's back! And he's going with them to Rivendell!
Most of you guessed that Strider would be angry, suspicious, or annoyed. But when I was writing this chapter, I pictured him as being concerned, gentle, and calm. I was trying to show a softer side to the Ranger, and I hope I suceeded.
@TaliaSpirit won the last dedication and her question was: (Who are your favorite three LOTR characters?) I would have to say: 1) Aragorn. 2) Pippin. 3) Legolas.
Since @Mizuki_and_Kakashi won this dedication, she gets to ask me anything she wants. And it doesn't have to be about LOTR.
For the next dedication, I want you to guess how Pippin wakes up in the next chapter. (insert laugh) Happy guessing!
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May Middle Earth be with you!
~ Walling247

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