Chapter 23 ~ Apples!

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Hey everyone! How's it going?

The dedication goes to: @DovahOfMirkwood for being the FIRST person to answer the question correctly!!

Comment, Vote, and Fan!!!


Chapter 23 ~ Apples!

When I woke up the next morning, Layfeld was curled up against me and my arms were around him. I gave him a squeeze, nuzzling my face into his warm neck. I saw Strider watching us, a smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him, causing him to laugh. Layfeld shifted in his sleep.

"Be quiet, you'll wake Layfeld!" I hissed at him.

"It is time to wake up anyways, we must continue on our journey." he replied, standing up and stretching.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks for the awe inspiring speech!" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Nothing!" I replied quickly, "Nothing at all!"

He turned and began waking up the Hobbits. The movie really doesn't show how annoying he can be! I glanced at Layfeld, still snuggled in my arms, and sighed.

"Come on Layfeld." I whispered into his ear, "It's time to wake up!"

He yawned and stretched his arms above his head. I let go of him and sat up, watching him. He rubbed his eyes, his light brown hair in a tangled mess. I made a mental note to myself to get him a haircut when we reached Rivendell.

"Goodmornin' Mum..." he yawned.

"Morning Layfeld. Did you have a good sleep?"

He nodded and sat up, looking around. All of the Hobbits but Pippin were awake. He smiled mysteriously and walked over to the sleeping Hobbit.

"Layfeld..." I began.

He turned to me, putting a finger to his lips. He looked back down at Pippin and grinned. He got down on his knees and crawled over to the Hobbit's head. Leaning over, he put his mouth next to Pippin's ear.

"PIPPIN!" he yelled, standing up and stepping away from him quickly.

"Apples!" squawked Pippin, bolting upright out of his sleep.

The other three Hobbits and I burst out laughing at the indignant Pippin. Layfeld was rolling on the ground, tears in his eyes.

"Ya little varmint!" Pippin screeched down at him.

"That's enough, everyone!" Strider interrupted, "Let's eat breakfast and be on our way!"

The Hobbits grudgingly agreed, and Pippin brightened up somewhat at the mention of food. I stood up and walked over to help them cook. I looked over at Frodo, and I remembered something. I had just realized where we were going to end up tonight!



@shadowspinner won the last dedication, and her question was: (If you had to die in Middle Earth, how would you?)

I have two answers for this.

1.) I would die of old age in my bed after living a long and happy life with my family.

2.) I would die to save someone, for the greater good of Middle Earth. Sort of like Boromir, but not quite. Sort of like... wait nevermind, your not supposed to know about that yet!


@DovahOfMirkwood won this dedcation!!! So, ask me a question!!!

The answer to: (What book does Boromir die in?) is... The Two Towers! Yay!

Most people assume it's the Fellowship of the Ring, because that's when he dies in the movie. But, in the book, he actuallly dies in the first chapter of The Two Towers.


So, you guys have been so good at answering the questions and stuff, but you've stopped telling me your opinions on the story! So I don't have a question for you today.

Instead, I want you to tell me what you think about my story. Does the story flow right? Do the characters seem true to the book? Anything you really liked? Anything you didn't? Any suggestions? Tell me!!!


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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