Chapter 45 ~ The Council of Elrond

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Hey Everyone! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated recently! SCHOOL....! Erghhh...

And I still have tons more to do for Tuesday... Luckily Monday is Family Day so I have an extra day to work on it. I have to write a report for English and write the entire script for a 8-10 minute play for Drama... and I haven't started either of them yet!

Anyways, dedication goes to: @ for following!

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Chapter 45 ~ The Council of Elrond

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old..." began Elrond, "You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall."

Everyone seated began to look around at each other.

"Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." Elrond continued, looking at Frodo, "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

He gestured to the pedestal in the middle of the circle. Frodo stood up and reluctanly placed the Ring on it for all to see.

"So it is true." said Boromir, standing up, "In a dream..."

He hesitated for a moment.

"... I saw the eastern sky grow dark... but in the west a pale light lingered." he continued, stepping towards the Ring, "A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's Bane is found.'"

He stepped closer to the Ring. Elrond and Gandalf exchanged glances.

"Isildur's Bane..." whispered Boromir, reaching towards the Ring.

"Boromir!" exclaimed Elrond.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk," Gandalf bellowed, standing up.

Everyone cringed and a dark cloud began to form over Gandalf's head. Boromir sat down, shaking slightly.

"Ash nazg gimbatul," he continued, "Ash nazg thrakatulûk, ash burzumishi krimpatul!"

When he finished speaking, he looked slightly weaker.

"Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." said Elrond, annoyed.

"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond..." replied the Wizard, "... for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil."

He turned around, disgusted, and went to sit back down in his chair. Then Boromir stood up, shaking his head.

"It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor."

He stood up determinedly.

"Why not use this Ring?" he asked, "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe."

Strider huffed at his words.

"Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy." Boromir continued, "Let us use it against him."

"You cannot weild it." said Strider, "None of us can."

Boromir looked at him annoyed.

"The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a Ranger know of this matter?" challenged Boromir.

"This is no mere Ranger." said Legolas, standing up, "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

"Aragorn." said Boromir in amazement, "This is Isildur's heir?"

"And heir to the throne of Gondor."

"Havo dad, Legolas." said Aragorn, holding up his hand.

"Gondor has no king." scowled Boromir, going back to his chair, "Gondor needs no king."

(One ring to rule them all)

(One ring to find them)

(One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them)

(Sit down, Legolas)


I know this wasn't a very interesting chapter, but I promise there will be a least ONE funny thing in the next one.

Picture of on the side! >>>>>

I was wondering if you guys had any predictions of what's going to happen in the next few chapters, or later on in the book. Any guesses? I want to know what's going on in your weird little heads...


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May Middle Earth be with you!

~ Walling247

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