Chapter 43

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Five months later..

Sage scratched his scruffy beard and walked into the kitchen grabbing a tub of vanilla swirl ice cream. He glanced at the silver band on his ring finger and grinned. Just a few months ago he was engaged and now he was fully married with his bride. It was an incredible feeling that he would never get tired of and an amazing day he'd never forget. 

"Babe, is the movie ready?" He asked his frustrated and largely pregnant wife. 

Sage turned his head to the living room to see his lovely wife waddle in the kitchen while holding her back bringing in the empty bowl of popcorn that was just filled. 

"We gotta make more popcorn."

He looked down at the empty bowl with a few kernels rolling at the bottom then looked back to Sky raising his eyebrow. 

"That was just filled five minutes ago, babe."

"I got hungry baby and you were taking forever getting the ice cream." She said with a whine and pout.

Sage rolled his eyes and grinned at his sweet girl then took the bowl. "Then how about I keep the snacks to make more and you relax. I'll bring them out when it's done."

"Okay, but what if I get hungry again, I have to sit there and starve?"

She rubbed her huge belly while looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He was already puddy in her hands but the last thing he wanted to do was starve too. Sky's appetite grew to where she had at least three big meals a day. At least, as in the lowest number of meals she had was three. 

Sage still loved feeding her and giving her belly rubs. They cuddled more but had sex less, which was way harder than it seemed since Sky's lust for him also intensified. The woman almost pounced on him everyday intending to have him buried deep inside her but Sage had to fend her off because he didn't want to hurt the baby. 

It pissed her off to no avail but it'll be worth it to make sure their baby was safe. Plus, he found other ways to pleasure his woman that consisted of his tongue, fingers, and a whole lot of kissing and sucking. He found ways to distract her like taking her shopping at the furniture store to get supplies for their baby's room. Tony, Spider, and Adam came over to help build and Mag kept Sky busy since seeing him work on Isaiah's crib wasn't helping her urge. 

"Ugh, I guess." She took a bag of chips that was laid on the counter then waddled back into the living room.

"I love you more!" Sage smiled and placed another bag of popcorn into the microwave.

"Hurry up!"

He chuckled and waited as his phone started to ring. He picked it up and answered, 


"We have a problem. Ortiz is getting restless and pushing for an attack soon. Need to get ready." Spider said urgently.

Sage clenched his jaw and nodded even though he couldn't see. 

"Right, I'm on it. I'll meet you soon." 

As Sage hung up the phone, his body grew more rigid when he heard it. He knew it would happen but didn't think it would be this soon. Now. He was not ready at all even if he prepared for it.

Splash. Groan

He turned to see Sky holding her belly with a scrunched up face showing pain. Quickly, Sage ran up the stairs to their closet and grabbed their emergency baby bag.

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. Worst timing ever.


He dashed downstairs and went to the garage, opening the car door and threw the bag inside. 

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