Chapter 41

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Tony hadn't have this much fun in years. 

He had a lot of sex on average, probably more than Adam and Mag combined, but this was the best sex he'd ever had. It was all so sensual and real. Usually, he had sex without strings attached but this time, there were strings all over the damn place. 

They had another round of mind-blowing sex with both Adam's and Tony's dicks plunged so deep into Mag with Tony inside her ass and Adam in her pussy. It was all a complete bliss afterward when they cuddled a fast asleep Mag. Tony looked at Adam as he laid his arm around her stomach. Tony saw the wheels turning in his head, his thoughts filled with insecurity, doubt, and confusion.

He met Tony's gaze and frowned, whispering, "What's your plan now, Mr. Sexaholic?"

Tony chuckled with a smirk on his face and wanted to play with him, "To fuck you next, handsome. Trust me, it'll be a day we'll both remember."

Adam widened his eyes in shock, "You're not doing that to me."

"Like I didn't get you to kiss me and join us? It won't be that hard but your dick will be for me."

"Who says I won't the one be fucking you?" He asked with a raised brow.

Tony closed his eyes and thought about Adam ramming his dick inside him, pulling his hair back and making him beg for more. Now, he had a semi erection and opened his eyes to look at Adam's confused look. "I'd like that too. Unfortunately, you had to find your balls before you lost this girl. I was seriously thinking about taking her. You're lucky I'm a nice guy."

Adam rolled his eyes. "You're a nice guy? You kept flirting with her every chance you've had but now you don't have to since she's ours." He looked down at Mag who slept peacefully. "She's so beautiful."

Tony looked down at her sweet face. Her hair spread out on the pillow, her plump lips parts and long eyelashes followed by a soft snore. How lucky was he to get a woman like her? 

"Yes, she is," Tony quietly got out of bed and slipped on his boxers. "Follow me." He told Adam as he went to the walk-in closet, turning on the light. 

Adam followed him inside with his boxers on as well and closed the door behind him.

"Do you honestly love that girl?" Tony asked crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't hide his erection as it tented in his boxers, but his needs weren't important right now. It was hers.

Adam looked at him and leaned against the wall. "Yeah, I think I do. I mean I always cared about her and treated her right as our maid but things started to change between us as of lately. I can feel myself wanting more."

"Then why did it take for me to enter the picture for you to make a move?"

"Well for one, I was married then my wife passed away and two, I was really stressed out from  my second wife stealing my money and not giving a damn about Sky or Chase. Then I almost lost my son and almost Sky. So, it's a lot for why I didn't pursue Magdalene."

Tony sighed looking down at the carpet. "I understand that but if you're not ready for this, for her, you need to let her know so you can heal. No one is rushing you but she wants you." He looked back at Adam, his tone serious. "If you want her, let her know Adam. Talk to her and figure this shit out."

"Look, I know she wants me but I feel like I'm pushing her away. Things were going smoothly between us after our date but now, she wants both of us." He said, looking at Tony assessing him with his eyes as if checking out his competition.

"Don't look me up and down unless you're trying to fuck, but I know that. I just want to have a good time and she wants to have something long term. I'm getting too old to make any decision I'm not willing to keep to make her happy. I can tell her that, can you?"

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