Chapter 8

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Once Sky entered the house, she was so relieved to see Zay as he played his video game once again. She smiled and ran towards him and hugged him giving him a big squeeze. After the night she had, it was nice coming back to a friendly face.

Zay jumped from the unexpected embrace and laughed hugging Sky as well and smiled at her saying, "Hey Sky! Welcome back."

Sky sat next to her new found baby brother and took the hoodie off of her feeling more relaxed near Zay. He had such a relaxing and friendly vibe about him and it was the nearest thing she could feel to being safe.

"Hey Zay, what are you playing?"

"The Ghostbusters video game. Another PG game for me to play to not be scarred by blood and guts. Ghost goo will have to do for now. Wanna play?"

Sky laughed and nodded then grabbed the other remote and chose her character to play in the game. As Sky and Zay navigated their characters through a haunted mansion in search for paranormal activities, Sky couldn't stop replaying what happened in the car. Sage's certain interest in her caught her off guard and his intense stare made her feel even more on edge. She didn't know if it was a prisoner tactic to keep her from running away and telling the police about him or if he genuinely cared. It was all so weird and new for her that the most she could do was stay calm and try not annoy him further. She'd seen the way he got upset and the last thing she needed to have was that attention towards her. 

Zay distracted her from her thoughts as he asked, "So, what did you do tonight?"

Sky sighed and continued to play the game with him, "Sat quietly in a meeting, I guess it was. Very damn boring."

"A test huh. Interesting. Did you learn anything?"

"A test? This is not a school but yeah I did."

Every now and then, Zay continues to surprise Sky with information she didn't expect. What test was he talking about? What was Sage trying to prove Sky could do? She was constantly thrown in loopholes and never knew her way out. Was this a test to see whether I could keep my mouth shut to save my life? She was so tired of being under someone's radar she really couldn't care less. 

"What did you learn?"

"I don't want to talk about it Zay."

Zay nodded and stopped the game then said excitedly, "Wanna see my room?" He was good at distracting Sky from her head, so agreed to see it and he sprung off the couch like a happy kid who wanted to impress a new friend with his toys. He ran to his room with Sky right after him as they went to the third floor on the other side of the hall, opposite of Sky's room. 

As they entered his room, Sky looked around to see, not surprisingly, a normal teenage boy's room. There were posters surrounding the basic oak décor with comic book superheroes and women dressed in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. His bed had an ironman cover but with basic plaid sheets and pillows. There was also a desk in a corner with a lot of papers of drawings, pens, colored pencils, a laptop, notebooks, and office supplies scattered around. His closet was filled with clothes and shoe boxes that looked organized from jeans, sweatpants, and shirts to shoes neatly arranged on the floor. Finally, a dresser was next to his bed with the top of it containing deodorant, comb, brush, lotion, hair gel, and a small speaker. 

"Tony is next door to me for security reasons but this is it! I can't wait to see the new Avengers movie. I usually watch new movies on my laptop on this cool website where you can see movies for free in HD. Tony called it bootleg but it comes in handy so that's pretty cool."

Sky nodded and grinned, "Your room is really awesome and yeah I can't wait to see it either. I heard its good."

"Yeah it is. Its Avengers!" Zay sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard. "So, what's life like out there? I'm always curious because in here its either someone who's trying to use me to get out of here before they get killed or someone getting killed within a week or a bodyguard walking around or Michelle cooking."

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