Chapter 14

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"No mas, no mas!" 

Sky walked into the house hearing Zay's plea and instantly panicked. The groan sounded like pain and she looked around to figure out where it came from.

"Get up! You wanna hit the ground every time? Fight back!"

She bristled at the harsh voice she assumed was yelling at Zay and heard it come from the basement. Oh shit. What if he's hurt! Worried for Zay, she ran downstairs to the basement where more groaning noises grew louder. Sky ran through the dark halls down to a wooden door cracked open that shed some light. She ran through the door and looked for Zay, seeing him on the floor; sweaty and looked to be in pain. 

Sky looked at the man who caused her little brother to be in such pain and balled her fists ready to fight. She ran to him and jumped up kicking the man in the chest and watched him fall on a mat with a loud thud. Preventing him from moving, she placed her foot on his chest and applied pressure holding up her fist. "Who the hell are you and why are you messing with him?"

Zay scrambled to his feet and ran to Sky pleading, "Wait! He's my trainer! Don't kill him, that's my job... a little."

The man held up his hands and looked at Sky surrendering, "Name's Zeek."

She immediately removed her foot off his broad chest and helped him to his feet. "My bad Zeek. I just heard him and saw you. So yeah, well I guess you're my trainer now too because I was sent to train."

Now that she wasn't rushing to save Zay, Sky took a look at the room she was in and realized it was a gym. There were benches surrounding the spacious area, a track layout around the gym to jog, weights, punching bags, mats, more gym equipment, and a huge wrestling ring in the center of the room.

Zay laughed and shook his head wearing a white shirt, black gym shorts, and sneakers. Zeek didn't look so bad either with a blue gym shorts, sneakers, and a small tank top doing nothing to cover his abs, beefy arms, and toned back. He had a chiseled face, green eyes, a sweet smile, auburn hair, and light brown skin. Very nice in deed.

"I can't wait for this." Zay said.

Zeek wiped his face with his tank top giving Sky a better look at his narrow waist and six-pack abs. "No problem. So you're the glamorous Sky? Well now I see it. Okay newbie, get your gym clothes on and come back. We'll get started."

Sky rolled her eyes at the presumptuous name saying, "Don't call me glamorous." 

Zeek smiled a lopsided grin and shrugged his shoulders, "That was Bossman who described you."

Of course. Nothing pleased Bossman more than to get under Sky's skin by calling her stupid names. She went upstairs to her room to get dressed in yoga pants, a sports bra, and her sneakers then tied her hair into a bun. As she went back to the basement, Zeek instructed her to stretch. 

It's been about a week or two living here and she had not been hating it as much as she thought she would. She doubted if she was a different person, they'd treat her any better but it was livable to a certain extent. Or should she say, a certain person. It was crazy how Sage drove her to the brink of insanity, yet pulled her back when she was about to go off the edge. For a second, she actually thought he liked her. It was hard to tell since his default personality was stuck on prick or asshole. 

If she was given the slightest indication that he cared about her, it flew past her head. But the night they shared felt different. Like everything melted around them and it was just them. The way he caressed her and touched her hair, it felt as though they were the only people in the world. Sky didn't know if she was hallucinating or if he was playing games, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was real to him. It felt real. 

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