Chapter 42

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Ring.. ring..

Sage opened his eyes and moved his head to the side feeling his neck strain. He rubbed his neck to soothe the pain and sat up on the seat looking for his phone.

Ring.. ring..

Where the hell was it? He finally found it and grabbed the phone answering it before it went to voicemail.


A sniffle answered the phone followed by a sigh. "Baby, are you off the plane yet?"

Sage grinned and laid back against the seat, closing his eyes to picture his sweet, beautiful pregnant girl laying on the bed with a worried look on her face. He missed her like crazy and it took everything he had to protect her to not get off this plane and go to her. 

"It's a five-hour flight, sweetheart. We are almost there but the plane is still flying. Two hours to go but what's wrong?"

She must've been crying since she was calling her with sniffs and a wavered voice. His poor girl. 

"Nothing, I just miss you and my hormones and condition isn't going hand in hand."

There was some shuffling around then a hard pat on something soft. Sage figured she was trying to get comfortable with the pillows that did nothing to help her relief pressure from her stomach. He bought her that pregnancy pillow before he left with a guaranteed comfort and shaped like a half moon with a strap to make it whole. Although, Sky probably didn't look for the bag he left for her when he stormed off.

"Oh, baby I miss you too. There's nothing I wouldn't do to be with you right now. I know it's hard with your hormones and that's why I gave you some space until you're ready to talk to me. I'll always love you no matter what," He had Spider take his phone away before he called her relentlessly. Spider probably slid it back in his pocket when he was out. "Your belly is more comfortable than these damn seats."

Sky giggled making Sage smile and said, "I love you more. I'm sorry for yelling at you and I can't get comfortable without you on me."

Sage couldn't help but smile more as he shifted his position and turned to the side. Looked like both of them were badly uncomfortable.

"Well at least you didn't throw glass at me. I left a bag for you there before I left. Did you get your pregnancy pillow?"

"You packed my pillow?" More shuffling went through the phone then finally she sighed happily. "Thank you baby. You're going to stay on the phone with me?"

"I always think of you, honey bunny and yes, I'll stay on the phone. What did you do today?"

"Besides swimming, we just ate chili and cornbread then I got emotional and cried on Tony and my dad."

"Oh babe, did Tony tell you to buck up?"

"He said I make his teeth rot and he told me I'm a warrior then said let it out," They both laughed at Tony's antics. His tough love persona was easily penetrable if you know him and he likes you. Other than that, a fist will meet a face when he's dead serious to people he never met. Emphasis on dead. "Isaiah kicked my tickish spot."

Sage smiled remembering the name he picked out for their son when they found out the gender. Sage decided to pick Isaiah Chase Garcia for the boy's name. Sky loved it as we will always remember the ones we cared about we lost. 

"I miss our baby boy. Remember when we found out the gender? Seems like forever." 

Sky giggled over the phone and he felt her smile from the memory. "It was such a good way to find out the gender. You were so happy."

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