Chapter 24

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As Sky watched a cooking show, there was a knock on her window which gave her a jump.

She turned to see Sage holding himself up on her ledge and gripping a tree stump. She quickly ran to the window and opened it and made sure to lock her bedroom door. It was like sneaking in a boyfriend past her curfew and she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach when she saw him.

He climbed inside and landed in her room dressed in jeans and a black shirt with his brown leather jacket and a smirk on his face as he looked at her. 


Her heart swelled from looking at him again. Seeing him and finally getting to touch him. She smiled and walked to Sage wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hey."

He hugged her to his chest and kissed her sweetly. She deepened the kiss and cupped the back of his head relishing his scent and taste. He smelled sweet and of Old Spice mixed with his scent. It was so overwhelming like the taste of him. Before the kiss got heated, he pulled away and looked at her with concern.

"I missed you so much. How have you been?"

"I missed you more and mad because you and my dad won't let me leave." Sky sat on the bed, folding her arms in frustration. "Y'all are taking me away from Zay."

"If he leaves, it'll look suspicious and we don't need to show weakness in a time like this." He walked to Sky and bent down between her legs hugging her hips with his arms. "You have to know this is for your own good. I couldn't live with myself if I knew I put your life in danger."

She looked down at his pleading eyes then away. She knew he was right. The dangers of having their child there was too much to bare but that didn't mean she liked him thinking of her own wellbeing when she could decide herself. 

"Fine. Leave me alone." Wiping her face from tears she didn't know she shed, Sky climbed back on the bed and glared at Sage with stubbornness than anger.

He sighed and stood. "Try to see this from my point of view." He headed to the window and she quickly grabbed a pillow throwing it at him. 

"Wow, you're really leaving? Get out! Don't want to spend some time with me."

Sage stumbled then looked at her with wide eyes. "You just said!" He sighed and shook his head walking back towards her with a grumble causing her to smile. "Your symptoms are definitely showing. 

With a swift move, he took off his clothes and climbed into the bed with her tugging her to his chest. They snuggled together with their legs and arms intertwined. He held her cheek and leaned down to kiss her again then slipped his hand underneath her sweatshirt to her belly and rubbed. "This is ours?"

Her stomach did backflips as she smiled more and nodded laying her hand on top of his. "Yes it is baby."

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit. Are you?"

He shook his head and stared in her eyes. "I know you'll be safe and will grow healthy so I have no problem knowing you're okay."

A thought occurred to her. "So, you're gonna sneak in every night? When will we ever be able to live."

"No baby, I'm not going to be sneaking in every night but you'll know I'll be there. Give it time."

Meaning, he'll have people check in on her and see her when she least expects it. They didn't need to argue tonight. At least she had him for now. She snuggled in close and he held her closer to his chest hearing his heartbeat. 

"I never really wanted this life."

"How did you get into it?"

It was one of those things Sage didn't share often. His past and the things he endured alone. Sky was always curious about how he lived knowing what he knew and seeing what he saw. Even when he ordered the most gruesome demands to maintain a status of druglord. Finally, she'd be able to hear the story. 

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