Chapter 35

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My world felt like it was getting ripped away from me with pieces of it holding it together. It was barely strong to keep my sanity and now, it was barely holding anything I had together.

As Sky slept on his chest, Sage watched her with her lips parted, long eyelashes against her cheeks, her face relaxed in a peaceful state, and her red hair with some blue streaks at the tips sticking out in every direction. She was absolutely breathtaking. It took everything within Sage to not explode into a pissed fit and tearing Ortiz and his men apart one by one. 

He knew Ortiz was oblivious to his wife's attraction towards Sage and sleeping around with other gang members. But to allow his men to shoot up his house with his people inside and allow them to storm into his operation, destroying everything without a drug his crew produced in a sight? Unacceptable!

In a way, Sage should be relieved to not be in charge of the operation and be able to have a life of his own but there was no stopping the past. The demons. He knew it was only a matter of time before Ortiz found out Sage snapped his wife's neck and left her there to rot. 

He'd call it betrayal.

Sage would call it compromise. 

He was so close of losing everything again and he almost did. He lost Zay. The boy he raised as a little kid, a baby even. He felt nothing but rage and soon, he'd vow his revenge. They'd took who was important to him, more than his own life, and almost took his child and woman with them. 

It was a scary thought of how similar his anger and pain was compared to Marco. If anything, he'd be proud of Sage and thought of him as a successful prodigy with his built up anger to kill. A man who took nothing from no one and left mercy for the weak. 

Sage might be similar to Marco more than he realized. It was a sickening thought but still, he couldn't relieve this anger. Couldn't calm it down even if he wanted to. He secretly didn't. Sage never cared for that bastard Ortiz with his ostentatious casinos, glitz and glamour. He was a conman that thrived on the lives of the weak and brainless to uphold power and maintain control. If one person was out of line, they were dead to him. Literally.

He could remember the dozens of times where Ortiz showed him around his newest endorsement and flaunted his riches around like a show pony. 

The servants and butlers swarming around his house, doing whatever he commanded. The scared looks on their faces when he raised his voice or snapped his fingers. His wife smiling and charming every house guest to appease them. It all made Sage sick. For a minute, he actually believed they were working together a scam to make his prospects feel in charge and respected but it showed more as time went on how oblivious both of them were.

Ortiz would show his controlling side and wanted to stay above everyone while his wife wanted to escape the controlling life and be with men filled with wildness and chaos. 

Sage wouldn't take any of it and that made him the target. A client to control and a man to fuck shown as rebellion toward her husband. 

Once his time came, Sage would take great pleasure in giving Ortiz the same fate as his wife. He'd count the fucking days, hours, minutes, and seconds until it came. 

Sky stirred in his arms and opened her eyes, looking at Sage with a smile. Instantly snapping him from his thoughts. His heart jumped from her sweet, beautiful face as he returned the smile and kissed her lips softly. At that moment and every moment after, Sky owned his heart and him in every way.

"How did you know my real name?" He asked.

She looked at him then laughed, shrugging her shoulders. " I have ears. I listen and put it together."

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