Chapter 34

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A white blanket of pain coursed through Sky. Ringing filled her ears as she watched the scene unravel in front of her. 

Her vision blurred and all she saw was blood running down the side of her body. 

Oh no. Please no. Please don't let this happen to me. Not my baby.

Sky closed her eyes tight and held her stomach with her hand shaking. Her face felt hot as she cried. 

Please. Don't take my baby!

The blood covered her hand and Sky took a chance to look down at her stomach to see a small bullet hole go through her body just above her belly. She breathed in the pain and cried harder from relief that it missed her belly but fear the bullet could still kill her and her child. 

When her vision cleared, she turned to see more blood on the ground, from where she laid, that wasn't hers. Her eyes dragged up to see Zay on his back coughing up blood as it pooled underneath him. 

No. NO!

"No! Zay! We have to get help!" Sky crawled to Zay and sniffed pressing her hand against the gushing blood seeping out of his chest. "No, no, no. Please no. Zay I can't lose you."

She turned to see Victoria dropping to the ground with her neck twisted in an awkward angle and Sage standing above her in horror looking at Sky and Zay. He went into action and ripped his shirt off and held it against Sky's side where the pain intensified. 

"Baby, please. No!" He looked to Zay and held his face with his hands shaking from the caked blood on them. Tears streamed down his face as well as panic. He screamed at Zay, willing him to live. "Zay! You stay with me, you hear? You stay with me!" 

Zay coughed more and turned his head towards them, his eyes glassy as he frowned. 

"Oh no.. did I get s-shot? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Zay coughed again and breathed in pants.

"Stay with us, please. I can't lose you too." Sky said gently rubbing his cheek. 

"You didn't do anything wrong baby boy." Sage said in a whisper. "You didn't do anything wrong. Please don't leave us."

Suddenly, the pain of Sky's side was forgotten as she stared at her true friend, her second brother, losing the light in his eyes. He could barely hang on but she would continue to fight for him. He couldn't die. Not like this. Not now. 

"I love you guys" Zay said with a smile and tears falling down his sweet face. "I love you all so much. Be happy for me. Please.." With his final request, he looked at them and blinked his beautiful brown eyes slowly until he stopped blinking. 

No. He can't be gone..

He wasn't gone. 


The rest of the world faded away as Sky continued to stare at Zay's limp body. She shook her head and cried moving his shoulders. 

"Zay.. Zay! No wake up Zay!"

"Baby we have to go. You're losing a lot of blood." 

Sage picked up Sky as she screamed and reached for her baby brother. "NO! Zay come back to me! Please!" As he carried her out of the building, Spider ran inside with over twenty men at his side. 

He barked orders and pointed in different directions that Sky couldn't hear. All she saw was one of the men picking up Zay and carried him out of the building. The lab was then engulfed in flames and Sky was suddenly being placed in a van.

Sky felt the pain come back strong, more intense and she whined for it to stop. She wanted it all to stop. Nausea came in full force and she vomited on Sage's chest then began to cry. Some of the vomit had blood in it which made Sky cry harder. "I'm sorry!"

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