Chapter 29

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(I apologize for the delay. I had surgery but we are back on track! Thank you for your patience.)

Two months. Two agonizingly, long months of no calls, no check ups, no anything. Its become a constant cycle of wake up, eat, throw up, eat, bitch at Carol, get Mag and dad together, eat, sleep, go to doctor, and eat. It felt like hell.

Sky wanted to call but she didn't know the number to reach Zay which made her worried. Her emotions were all over the place lately as well as the swell of her belly. Each day, she looked at her belly in the mirror as it grew and happiness embraced her with the excitement of getting closer to hold her and Sage's baby. 

Sage. She missed him constantly. He filled her thoughts every day. Thanks to her hormones, so did her sex drive. It was ridiculous really. How many times has she pleasured herself thinking of him and wanting him inside her? A lot.

She just needed to hear his voice. Just once. But he hasn't called or showed any signs of his presence. It was frustrating and pissing her off. Along with the feuds she got into with Carol that fueled her anger even more. It was not going well here, at all.

As Sky laid in her bed, pouting from her boring and miserable life, she jumped when her burner phone started to ring. Her chest filled with excitement and worry as she picked it up and answered with caution, not knowing who was on the other line.


"This is bad." Zay's voice tremored with worry that had Sky sitting straight up.

"Zay? What's bad?"

"So much shit is going on. Victoria vanished, some gang betrayed another gang, we're losing money because barely anyone wants to meet with Sage or Spider, more guns are being used for security, and I think Sage ordered someone to kill a guy! 

"Fuck! And he's choosing my location for a safe house. I have til the end of this week in the house. Probably! He's moving with the gang too and have half of them spread throughout different locations. Him, Tony, and Spider are running mad! Shit man, I'm scared."

This was chaos. No wonder Sage didn't call her. Shit was hitting the fan and he's evacuating everything and everyone. He didn't want me to worry, but guess what? I'm losing my shit! What if she never saw him again?

"What are we going to do?! Hell, what am I going to do? How did it get so crazy?"

"Just stay calm" Zay said with a worried tone that didn't steady Sky, at all. "She still doesn't know where you are and you're still safe. Sage will probably contact you if necessary but I don't know. Things are just going nuts. Sage bumped up my training to three times a day now. Ugh."

"My poor little bro. This is all crazy, do you know where they're moving yet?"

"It's okay, I'm super buff now and no, not yet. I don't wanna die before I get laid!"

"Zay!" Sky burst in laughter and shook her head, even though he couldn't see. Teenagers. "At least wear a condom."

"I will. Oh shit, I got to go. Tony's back. Bye Sky! Just stay cautious and pack an emergency bag just in case."

Zay hung up the phone as Sky looked it at. 

Emergency bag? 

Why would Sky need an emergency bag? Hmm. Sky scooted off the bed, grabbed her duffle bag, and started to pack stuff she thought she might need for an emergency. Three pairs of sweats, hoodies, tank tops, pajamas, spare toothbrush and paste, comb, tazer, hair ties, a couple bags of chips, and a map. 

She stored the bag under her bed and was about to transfer a few pregnancy vitamin pills in a baggie when she heard Carol's voice come through the front door.  

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