Chapter 17

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Oh. My. Gosh.

That did not just happen. I didn't ask Sage to devour me. I didn't get so caught up in his gaze and the heat in them to actually say the words, eat my pussy. I do not feel as though I humiliated myself in front of the friggin lord of drugs in Atlanta. I did not! 

Sky was horribly embarrassed and felt her face heat up. She peeped through the door and saw no one in the hallway then ran into Zay's room in need of guidance and comfort. 

"Little brotherrrr."

Zay was looking at his bandaged arm and picked at the band-aid then looked at Sky with worry. "What happened?"

She laid on his bed facing the ceiling and sighed dramatically as she hid her face with one of his pillows while talking through it. 

"I got lost in Sage's eyes and asked if he wanted to devour me then pushed him out after realizing what I said."

"You did what! Omg you didn't. You just gave him ammo!" Ammo implying that whenever he wants, he can bring it up and embarrass the hell out of her. 

"I knoooow." Sky whined and laid on her stomach with the pillow staying on her face. "I didn't mean to, it just slipped!"

"You need a nice bath. Plus, I knew you had sexual tension. Just wait it out."

"Ugh, I am! I'm not trying to have sex with him or get involved emotionally."

"And why is that a bad thing again?"

Sky looked at him incredulously as if he didn't know the obvious answer. "We're like oil and water. We don't mix at all and well, I'm not the dating type. I never had a boyfriend."

He frowned at her then sighed, "Opposites may attract. And maybe if you get a temporary guy to satisfy you, then you probably would stop thinking about him."

"And cause problems? I'll just avoid him as much as I can."

Get laid with people she only had access here? Was he insane? That would not only piss Sage off but it would create unnecessary drama and she'd be shunned for life here. She just got her footing in the place. She didn't need to mess that up and make her existence here an even bigger burden than it is. 

She just needed to steer clear of Sage and not run towards him or be near him. Then, she can maintain some dignity back from the embarrassment. 

"We'll see how that works out."

"I suppose Zay." Sky huffed now thinking of the reason of how she got into this mess in the first place. "I blame you and Tony."

He widened his eyes at the blame and pouted. "What did we do?"

"Try to play match maker and now look! I really blame you two." Sky whined again as he looked at her then started to laugh.

"We didn't do anything but get in your head."

Be that as it may, it was not funny nor fair she went through this. Sky sighed and got up kissing his forehead goodnight and went to her room to sleep and tried to forget this horrid day.

The next morning Sky went downstairs to eat breakfast and start her daily chores. It was a cloudy Saturday, so she expected it to rain today. Michelle was jamming to her music and turned to look at her while giving her a plate of food. 

"Hey. I have some news for you."

"What's the news?" Sky asked while eating.

"Boss says you can work your laundry shift two times a week but work with me in the kitchen four times a week instead."

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