Chapter 16

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The aroma of eggs, bacon, and oatmeal filled the air that came from the kitchen. It was early in the morning and as Sky walked downstairs, she saw Michelle cooking up a storm. She's persistent I'll give her that.

Michelle began wrapping paper plates in foil and placed them next to the stack of already high plates of food. Sky wondered if she stays in the kitchen everyday cooking meals. It must be exhausting and to cook loads of food for huge security men? Unheard of.

She walked into the kitchen with irritation of Michelle still lingering from their previous confrontation. Sage wanted her to have a positive attitude, so that's what she'll have. It wasn't like she was forced to like the girl just tolerate her long enough to know the chore process. Then, she'll be out of her hair.

Sky leaned against the countertops across from Michelle with her arms crossed. "Your boss wants you to show me how to do the laundry."

"Whether you like it or not, he's your boss too. Otherwise you wouldn't be here." Michelle gave her a plate of eggs, bacon, and oatmeal while mixing the pot full of more oatmeal. "Eat up. You'll be working heavy clothes and it'll make you faint. And I'm not talking about the weight."

Sky chuckled and inspected the food, still cautious if Michelle decided to add other ingredients than the typical spices. Figuring it was fine, she ate the food while looking at Michelle. "He's everyone's boss here. Not mine."

She still sported some purplish bruises around her eye and a split lip. She carried on as if it didn't hurt but Sky knew it did and it was a tough act. Still, it didn't stop her from almost feeling bad for it. After all, she threw a fucking plate at her. There must be some underlying bagging Michelle has from being here. No one just willingly decides to join a drug cartel or become a huge bitch to anyone who came within a hundred feet of her. 

Sky wouldn't get into that now. There were chores that needed to be done. After finishing the food, they headed down to the basement walking by several doors and made a right corner from the gym. There was a wooden door and Michelle opened it leading Sky into the laundry room. 

It was smaller than the gym but just as expansive. The room was colored in a light blue with black and white tile floors. There were four washes and dryers that took up most of the room, a long table placed across the machines, a small door within the room, and a big shelf that supplied clean uniforms on one side and towels on the other. 

"Here's the place. The supplies is in the supply room behind that door. It has your detergents, dryer sheets, mop, broom, dustpan, bucket, rags and sprays. You should know how to work the washer and dryer, there's no coins needed. You fold the clothes on this table and after you're done, set the finished clothes on the shelf. The towels go there as well. 

"The guards have a switch schedule for three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and night. You'll be washing from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon. Break is only twelve and if you run out of anything, let Tony know and he'll get more. Questions?"

"Nope, none at all." Sky looked around the laundry room and realized she'll be here the most of her days. How long could she live like this and not break down?

"Good luck, these guys stink." Michelle left the room where she got started. She added detergent in the washers and grabbed a basket of clothes quickly putting them down to hold her nose. Sweet mama that's gross! It smelled of sweat, must, and shit. It was no surprise guarding this place included training and waiting outside all day. But that stench should be illegal. 

Taking a big breath and grabbing some confidence, she grabbed the basket again and separated the colors, putting them into the washer and repeated the process until all four washers were full. There were some clean clothes that were not folded and she started to fold them. Damn, I should've ironed these before folding them. The process was tedious but unless she wanted to go out to do meetings, this was her new role. The confines of stank and wash. 

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