Chapter 27

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Sky entered the Cadillac with dad's driver in the front seat and Mag in the back. She couldn't wait to see the progress of her baby and have the experience with someone who cared for her. Once they were on the road, Mag turned to look at her.

"Your father apologizes for missing dinner. He had a difficult case but tonight he will be there."

Sky sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "It's okay I'm use to it. I wish he could've came to the appointment but it's life. I have you though!"

Mag gave her a sad smile and nodded. 

"Well I'm glad I can be with you. I know this can be scary and I made sure your father was aware of the appointment you have today."

"Thank Mag." Sky smiled and laid her head on her shoulder. 

With her being cautious of her temper, Sky has been very relaxed lately. There were barely any outbursts unless it was toward Carol then she let her have it. No reason in holding it back from the vile things that woman spits out. 

Being with Magdalene opened up a new perspective in Sky. It showed the motherly side she wished to be for her child in ways that showed patience, attentiveness, care, and love. The nurturing would be on instinct since she would already love her baby and protect him or her from anything. 

"So, did you see your guy that night?" Mag asked with a smirk. 

"Yes I did. He left when I went to sleep, so he didn't get caught." Sky smiled remembering the night she had with Sage. The only thing that made her dreams come alive with her waking up panting and wet. The man was sexy as sin with those full, delicious lips, hard body, intense eyes, and thick hair she could clutch on. Wow. These hormones are in absolute full effect.

"Good! I see that big smile on your face. Anything happened?"

"Oh, uh." Sky felt her face get hot and hid behind Mag's shoulder laughing. "Yes ma'am."

Mag giggled and turned to look at her. "Uh oh. Something happened that has your face turn into a strawberry."

Sky couldn't help it and laughed then nodded her head. "Yes, he was being nasty Mag."

"Just him?" She wiggled her eyebrows and they had a laughing fit on the way to the doctor's office. 

They went inside the building which had white walls with soft aqua colored accents and frames of flowers and artsy paintings covering them. The receptionist desk had a young woman with blond hair and glasses behind it with a few potted plants that sat on each side of the desk. She smiled as Mag told her about Sky's appointment then they were seated in the waiting area. Sky filled out the forms with the necessary information and gave it back to Mag when she was finished. 

"So, how many weeks are you?" Mag asked. 

"I was told one week. So not far and I'll have to buy bigger hoodies in a couple months." Sky started seeing her weight creep up since she was home. It wasn't that shocking since before she barely ate and now all she did was eat. That was part stress, hunger, and eating for two. 

"That's wonderful and it means more shopping!" 

"Yes shopping, I can't wait! You're coming with me." 

She loved Mag's company and couldn't imagine going through this pregnancy without her. As she was about to talk about the stores they would shop at, her dad walked through the doors and went towards her smiling. 

"Hi sweetheart."

He must've came from work since he was in a grey three piece suit that reminded Sky of Sage's eyes. 

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