Chapter 18

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I am so riled up. From the moment she woke up this morning to now with the most incredibly stubborn man in the world, she was riled the fuck up! Sage had no idea what he does to her. Getting lost in those beautiful, grey eyes and that heated look, he took over her body without so much as saying a word. 

They went back to the conference from their chat in the hallway and she fixed her dress to not appear too frazzled. Ortiz rose from his seat with his wife, Victoria, and they all went on a tour throughout the casino. She tried to keep Sage under control because he did warn her that patience would be tested and it sure as shit not only hers. 

He was seething with anger at Victoria and she didn't know why but only tried to comfort him during this time. As they walked the main corridor with her arm around Sage's, she couldn't help but feel comfortable this way with him. His strong arm protecting her, yet showing her off as his arm candy made her feel.. inspirited. It was exhilarating and intoxicating just being near him. 

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize Victoria on her side as they walked through the main floor of the casino passing the slot machines and gambling tables. 

"Lovely isn't it." She said gazing around the area then laid her sight on Sky. "I'm Victoria, and yours?"

While Ortiz and Sage chatted, Sky tried to come up with a fake name to use and glanced at Victoria then ahead. "Silvia."

"Silvia. Very nice to meet you. How did you meet our dear friend Tom? Must've been pleasant since he brought you here tonight."

"Nice to meet you too and it was something." Sky had a weird feeling about her. She couldn't put her finger on it but Victoria seemed a bit.. intrusive. She had the vibe of a cougar ready to take down her prey, yet she was married. Strange. 

Apparently Sage had a feeling that something was off too because he turned towards her and stiffened. He leaned down to whisper in Sky's ear speaking coldly, "Don't answer anymore of her questions. Stay away from her."

She nodded and continued to walk while ignoring Victoria's excessive yammering. 

"It was wasn't it. Your hair is such a vibrant blue. I never seen anything like it. It's not natural is it?" She said fully unaware that Sky paid no attention to her. 

She moved up to Sage's ear telling him she had to use the bathroom. He nodded and asked Tony to escort her there while he stayed with Ortiz and his wife. 

Sky made a break for the bathroom and after using it, she felt a little more relieved to be away from the tension. It did nothing to calm her nerves about Sage as she thought about him and his sinful words she kept replaying in her head. I can't wait to eat that pussy up tonight. 

My god as if she needed another reason to be even more turned on by him. Did he really mean it or just teased her? That would be a horrible joke because it would be all she thought about. The subtle touches, the soft whispers, the affection in the hallway. It was all too much and Sky needed relief. Like yesterday.

After getting some air, she went back out to Tony and smiled to him as they made their way back. 

"You're all smiley. Have anything to do with Boss?" He asked grinning like a cheshire cat. 

She blushed and looked away from him, "I don't know."

"Oh please, you're redder than your once before hair."

"Yeah, yeah." She said giggling at how exposed she felt. Sage saw her and held out his hand to her and she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat as she took it. They walked through the casino while Ortiz gloated about the many endorsements he had paid for. 

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