Chapter 21

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It was a nightmare. Inside the house, there were bullet holes everywhere including in the walls, cabinets, and floors. The windows were shattered and the couch was disintegrated with feathers and cotton spurting out of it and some still floating in the air. Guards were running around the perimeter. Some going upstairs, some protecting people downstairs. 

Orders were being barked left and right. It was all a fucking mess. 

"What the hell?" Sky said.

Relief flooded Sage as Zay ran to Sky and hugged her with Tony next to him. He was shaken scared, his complexion pale. "Thank God you're okay."

This was too much. It was chaos and no one was telling him anything. 

"Everyone quiet!!" Silence filled the room as everyone stopped in their tracks to look at him. "What is going on?"

On cue, Spider walked towards me fuming then stops to point his finger at Sky.

"This is all your fault! Victoria came by and she made us an 'offer'." He turned to Sage with a scowl on his face. "She said if we don't increase our drug supply to them by ninety percent, she'll come after us. She also said to tell Tom that his 'friend' should watch her back. She's intimidated by your bitch and threatened our operation by shooting up the place!"

This was barbaric. Of course Victoria would threaten his operation because she couldn't get what she wanted but why would Ortiz agree to this? He never made a rash decision and certainly not a violent one. Victoria was slick and did everything in stealth mode around him to where he didn't suspect a thing in his rose covered eyes. But his wife threatened his family. So he threatened him as well. It could only mean one thing. 


Sage was too busy strategizing in his head and was caught off guard by Sky's outburst.

"It's not my fault that your boss's old bitch is mad that I accompanied him at a fucking meeting. Don't and I mean don't step to me like that again or I'll snap your fucking neck!" She looked at Sage with anger in her eyes. "Handle your hoes and business and keep me out of it Sage!"

With that, she stormed upstairs to her room with a slam of her door following a few seconds later. Everyone stayed quiet but with surprise stricken on their faces. Including Sage's. Sage? How does she know my name? 

Spider looked even more pissed, if that was possible, and stepped up to Sage lowering his voice. "So, you not only let her live but you let her talk to us like that and let her use your real name in front of everyone? You've given her more chances from the blatant disrespect she continues to show and its got to stop right now. She's got to go and if you don't take care of this, I will."

He went past me and walked out the door shouting orders at the guards. This is what Sage dreaded. The time where he would have to show the danger behind his name. He knew this day would come but he didn't know it would end like this. It was excruciating to his heart but he knew if he defended her again, no one would take him seriously. No one would respect him. And no one would follow him. 

With an exhausted sigh, he went upstairs to face another fight with himself.

The nerve of that guy! The absolute nerve! He blames me for this shit when I did nothing but what I was told! 

Sky paced the room feeling even more frustrated by the second. How could Sage just stand there and let his partner talk to her like that? She did nothing wrong and paid for it! If she disobeyed, consequence. If she followed orders, consequence. There's no pleasing anyone!

Her anger rose and she felt it through her bones as it intensified without her medication. The sun was rising and her patience was lowering. 

As she continued to pace, Sage walked into her room with a tired look on his face. "We need to talk."

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