Chapter 11

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The sun shined its warmth over Sky's face as she woke up on a beautiful day. She tried to be positive on this lovely Friday as she stretched the sleep out and got up. The clock was a quarter to noon and she went to the bathroom to freshen up and took her meds. The scratches on her face and her busted lip still stung with an irritating, throbbing pain but she moved past that. Her talk with Sage really helped put things into perspective of what her brother's position was here and it felt like she had some closure. Sure, it was still heart-wrenching to live day to day without her charismatic and fun loving brother but she had him in her heart and that's all that mattered. 

Sky walked downstairs wearing her tank top and shorts and went to the kitchen to make breakfast while humming. She was going to cook her mom's famous hashbrown scramble with sausage, cheese, potatoes, eggs, and spices and Sky couldn't wait to dig in.

Zay came down the stairs and yawned as if he came straight from his bed with his hair sticking out, rumpled shirt, and batman pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips. He looked at what Sky was cooking and then spoke in a groggy voice, "Hey Sky? You know we have a cook for that right?"

She nodded and continued to cook scrambling four eggs in a bowl as she said, "Hey Zay and I know, I just wanted to cook. Want some?"

"Sure, I'd love some." He jumped on the kitchen counter next to her then looked at the scratches and busted lip on her face gasping, "What happened to your face!"

As Sky finished making their breakfast, she laughed and served Zay his portion, "Zay, it's a small scratch and I fought what's her face yesterday."

He shook his head and scarfed down the breakfast within a minute holding his plate out for seconds. "Good thing Boss wasn't here. More please."

Sky shook her head and gave him some more knowing the appetite teenagers had from living with one who almost ate their fridge clean out. She gave him more of the scramble and claimed, "He walked in while I was on top of her but he doesn't scare me."

"Or maybe he likes you." Zay said while eating. "He really doesn't talk much to anyone unless its giving an order."

She looked at him laughing, "Psh please, him liking someone? I'm convinced he likes killing more than liking a person. Plus, that's the other girl's man. I don't want to snap her neck if he gets too close to me."

He looked at her suspiciously and raised his eyebrow with his mouth stuffed with cheesy eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. "I don't know. Anyone can love. It's not like he has before. At least I don't know about it."

"He seems like he just fucks girls and I refuse to be one of them. Besides, I'm a...a virgin." Sky said whispering the last part embarrassed if anyone found out. Not that anyone would care.

Except Zay as he widened his eyes saying, "Really? I mean I get that. Don't sell him so short, he rarely brings girls here."

She sighed. "Yes really and I see you're trying to play match maker but no thanks. I'm not interested."

Well that was interesting. He apparently rarely brings girls over but threatened Sky he only brought girls in his room with the exception of himself. Was that an invitation or him trying to make her jealous? Doesn't matter. She's not interested in his full lips, steel eyes, cocky attitude, or impressive body. She wasn't! 

"Well it could happen. Wait, what's today?"

"It won't and Friday. Why?"

Zay suddenly jumped off the counter and gave a megawatt smile. "Oh my gosh. Today's race day!"

"What's race day?"

"Its when Boss races with one of the crews we go against for money and today, the bet is for ten thousand dollars! It's happening in an hour. Let's get ready."

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