Chapter 5

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Sky groaned and started to wake up. Again. She moved her hands around her feeling cold, hard concrete and slowly opened her eyes. Was she in a prison cell? There were four, small walls surrounding her layered in cement bricks. A small opening above her shed the moonlight and the nightfall with a cool breeze coming through. She looked at the door in front of her and saw it was a cell door that had a lock on it.

Pain blinded her as she rubbed her head and tried to remember what happened from her meeting with the strange boss man. Gun. Anger. Trigger. She remembered the man holding a gun to her face and she stood in front of it. Sky was surprised she's not dead. Is this heaven? Did I die?  

As her panic started settling in, she heard a door open and slam through the echoed halls with heavy footsteps headed her way. Sky scooted towards a corner within the room and saw a tall, buff man go to the door and tossed a paper bag towards her through the cell door. The contents within the bag rattled and, as he walked away, Sky quickly grabbed the bag and opened it. It was her bipolar medication and a bottle of water unopened. Finally. 

After taking her pills and gulping down the water, Sky had some time to think. This isn't going to work. I need to be able to control myself and I can't do it with this damn disease almost killing me. I have to find a way out. She took in the small opening above her in the cell and knew it was too small to get through. The door was locked without a doubt. There were no objects around her to use and no one in the room with her that she could tell. This is going so great. 

The door down the hall opened and slammed closed again with a scrapping sound on the ground. Sky started to rock herself against the wall to stave the panic and waited for the medicine to kick in as she heard the heavy footsteps. The steps moved closer and closer until a figure stood behind the cell door. The leader stood on the other side of the door with a wooden chair and sat down in front of the cell. He faced Sky and looked at her with his arms crossed against his broad chest. 

Sky didn't realize how handsome he was and fierce. He was toned but not as bulky as the security guards. His cropped dark brown hair with steel, gray eyes intense and hard. His skin was hard to see since it was dark but she remembered it being tan from the alley. The man had some rough stubble on his face and his full lips hardened as he stared at her. He still had an angry look with his eyebrows furrowed and wore the same clothes she remembered seeing him in his office. 

Sky knew her disease caused another episode and it angered him without question. It was her fault. It always was. She pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at him, "Sorry."

He stared at her and tilted his head slightly which made her uncomfortable. Why does he keep staring at me? She pulled her hood down further over her head and felt his eyes burned into her. If looks could kill, she'd be buried. 

Then, he moved. 

She heard him get up and open the cell door then closed it with the chair dragging behind him. As he sat down in front of her, Sky, on instinct, moved back and looked at her shoes trying very hard, and failing, not to be intimidated by him.

His voice boomed throughout the room in echoes, "What's your last name?"

"Garcia." Sky quickly answered, her voice staggering. 

"Are you bipolar?"


"Does it worsen when you're scared?"

So invasive. Why does this matter to him? Maybe because she put her face in front of his gun?

"I guess. I'm not really scared of anything anymore." 

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