Chapter 19

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Sky was woken up by a knock on her door as she sat up feeling deliciously sore but alone. She grinned at the memory of last night and covered up before saying come in to the person on the other side of the door. 

Zay walked in. "Hey Sky. You been in bed all day?"

She rubbed her eyes and held the covers against her smiling at him. It was going on night time and she felt great. "Hey Zay!"

"What's going on?" He raised his eyebrow setting his hands on his hips.

Sky slowly slid out of bed and almost fell on the floor with her wobbly legs. Standing up and trying to play it off, she quickly went to the bathroom. 

"Nothing! How did you sleep?"

She guessed Zay caught on because realization set in as he gasped then yelped, "Not better than you! You did it! You totally did it!"

Her cheeks blushed as she brushed her teeth then peeked out the bathroom to look at him.

"I did what?" 

It was no use. He knew. She couldn't hide the stupid smile on her face thinking about last night with Sage. It was incredible and there was no way in hell the smile on her face would disappear. 

Suddenly, Zay remembered he had her door open and went to close it before scurrying to the bathroom and whispered loudly.

"You had sex with Sage didn't you."

He was relentless but she played it off to at least try to defend what they've done. Or didn't do. "I did what?"

"Don't play dumb."

After brushing her teeth, she went to the bed to sit and blushed profusely while looking at him.

"Oh. Em. Gee! And I thought I was going crazy."

"You are, hush! Shh!" She grabbed her pillow and threw it at him.

He laughed and caught it with ease. "How was it?"

Well, she tried. "It was amazing." 

His eyes widened as big as saucers. "Really?" "He was so big and the way he kissed me and ugh, I wanna fuck him again."

"Oh em gee. Did you bleed? Did he lick you?" She laughed at his questions and nodded. "He cleaned me up and yes, he ate me out Zay."

"Wow, how do you feel?" Without hesitation, she said. "Happy."

She thought about last night and the conversation they had after the amazing sex.

"Fuck, that was amazing." Sage said and held her against his chest as their breathing slowed down. She moved closer to him feeling his warmth and laid her head on his chest. It was amazing and she wished she could relive this day again. 

"Yes it was."

Sky felt his hands rub her back as they finally got a chance to catch their breath. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm. Just sore." So considerate and kind. She was scared of what those feelings meant to her because there was no way feelings were out of the equation. Still, she maintained strong at least to be sure he wouldn't break her heart.

"Shit, hold on." He left the bed and went to the bathroom. A couple minutes later, he gently wiped between her legs with a wet towel removing the residue and small spots of blood. She just now realized he popped her cherry. Wow. Wasn't that something.

After he cleaned her up, she pulled him back in bed for him to stay a little while longer. Their legs tangled together and he mindlessly ran his fingers through her hair. 

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