Chapter 10

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Three days passed by and Sky was already on thin ice with everyone in the house. Sage was gone and she felt like she could breathe a little instead of being monitored by his intensive stare. Although, it wasn't all that bad.

It was going well between her and Zay. They played card games, video games, drew some pictures, ate together, watched movies, and talked for hours. It was nice being able to have someone to talk to and feel comfortable around. Even Tony was joining in on the fun.

That is, until smart mouthed Michelle kept testing Sky's patience and Sky being stuck in the house for days without going anywhere did not help. With her little snide comments or rude facial expressions every time Sky entered the room, it annoyed tension was building up. She didn't know how Zay was able to be so sane and relaxed. It drove her insane! She might just risk getting shot at just to see a McDonald's.

Sky could barely sleep most of the time because there was always some loud noise in the basement. She didn't know what it was and was either too hungry or too tired to figure it out until it stopped. Just like today. Thump. Thump. Thump. Whack. Groan. Ugh, what the hell is that? 

She rolled her eyes and got out of bed feeling hungry. As she put on another one of Chase's hoodies, Sky went downstairs to the kitchen and, surprise, surprise, Michelle was there making dinner. It was going on nighttime and the restless sleeping really started to get to her. I'm so hungry.

Sky went to the kitchen, bypassing Michelle as she grumbled, "Hungry little thing aren't you."

She rolled her eyes while glancing at Michelle's way and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge along with the ingredients to make herself a sandwich. "Finish cooking and leave me the hell alone."

As Sky was leaving the kitchen, she jerked forward as a sharp pain hit against her back of what felt like a glass object being thrown at her. As the object fell on the ground and broke into more pieces, she realized it was a... plate. A plate. She threw a fucking glass plate at me! 

"Oops." Michelle said and casually went back to making dinner for the rest of the household as if she didn't throw the damn thing at her. 

That's it! 

Sky felt her rage take over from the restlessness and the bitch's mistake of throwing a goddamn plate at her before she had the chance to take her meds. She hadn't been in a good fight in years, so she looked forward to this.

Sky set her food down on the counter and turned around then grabbed Michelle's hair wrapping it around her hand and slammed her head against the marble countertop. She then tossed Michelle across the kitchen floor watching her skid across the tiles. Damn, that felt good.

She turned to leave the kitchen and was yanked back by her hood as a fist connected with Sky's lip and nails scratching against her cheek. Sky fought against the yelp of pain and stepped away from Michelle's grip kicking her in the stomach. Michelle fell back into the front area of the house but Sky wasn't done with her. She chased after the annoying bitch and grabbed her by the front of her shirt and started punching Michelle in the face repeatedly. 

Gasping with pain, Michelle kneed her in her vaginal spot and pushed her down onto the floor and started kicking Sky's side. The pain was radiating throughout her body but it didn't stop her from finishing this fight. She tackled Michelle onto the floor and wrapped her arm around her neck and held her arms down with her legs then squeezed her grip on Michelle's neck. 

"You are going to stop fucking with me or I'll snap your fucking neck." Sky said darkly and in a low voice in Michelle's ear.

As she gasped for breath in Sky's choke hold scratching up her arms, she spoke with small ounces of breath, "You don't have the balls."

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