The First Wave

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Kirishima's PoV

Today is my first day of UA, and I'm really excited. I managed to register at the school as a male, but my parents don't know. I might get in trouble for not telling them in advance, but I'm sure they won't mind. I mean why would they mind, they threw me out two years ago for not wanting to be a girl, so why would they mind if I registered as a boy at a school they won't even know I'm attending.

You see, I've been staying with Mina, for two years with her mums, as they are very nice people, but they aren't going to pay for me to go. They said that the would pay to start off with, but I'm going to have to pay them back. And no there not being mean, it's just school is expensive and they can't afford that, or that is what I told them. You see, they were going to happily send me to the most expensive school in Japan (with there own money) without a second thought. I mean that's very nice, but I don't want them to waste there money on me. It took me a week to convince them that I have to pay them back, and boy, was that a long week.

But that doesn't matter right now, what does matter though is, that I woke up late on the first day of school. Like, how is that even possible. Mina has been excited about this day for weeks now, so why didn't her squealing wake me up. Unless ... She's not awake either. Oh that stupid idiot not making an alarm. Why couldn't she make a stupid alarm.

After fifteen minutes of trying and finally succeeding in waking Mina up, I got hit over the back of my head by non other that Mama Mina her self, because she was excited for school and now she's gonna be late. Why does this always happen to me. Well, after that melt down, I went to the bathroom to spike my unnaturally bright, red hair.

Mina's mother drove us to school before her job, as we had already missed the buss. Thanks Mina. The car journey felt like so long, but when we did finally arrive, I felt like it should of taken longer. I realised, I didn't want to go in there. I didn't want to go into a place were there were lots of people better than me in every way shape and form.

No, that's not how I'm going to think. I'm manly, and manly men don't think like that. They think confidently, and with a wide smile on. I'm going to be the opposite of me in middle school. Look out UA, Ejirou Kirishima is coming your way, and he is unstoppable.

...(time skip brought to by my sleep deprived self)...

When me and Mina had found our designated seats, I took the extra time to look at everyone in our class. This was the top class of our year. This was a bad choice on my behalf. Not to far from were I was sitting, was a spiked blonde haired boy, with toned abs you could see through his uniform. It also didn't help he wasn't wearing a tie, while not doing the top button up.

My staring session was soon cut short when Mina came up behind me and asked for everyone to hear, "Who you drooling over?" She soon had a smug look on her face as everyone went to look in the direction of the loud speaking. But the one thing I didn't know about this whole situation, was that I was in fact drooling.

Oh My Almight, this is so embarrassing. I soon wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth, and gave a quick reply "nobody!" This was in fact untrue, and she new it. She was gonna have fun with this. "If you weren't drooling then why did you wipe you mouth?" She questioned me with a sly smile. This gave me an idea. "Why were you looking at my lips. Looking at someone's lips means you want to kiss them. Were you jealous of me liking someone else?" Mina knew this was a joke as well as me, but the people around us didn't know that we're both gay.

A whole lot of 'oos' came from the people listening in. This was interrupted by the blondie I was staring at previously shouting, 'Deku' at the door. What is the name of the man who was shouting, and why is he shouting. We all faced the door to see a shy, scared, green haired boy walking in from the door.

The only words he came back with was 'h-hi k-ka-Kacchan' So the manly blonde dude was called Kacchan. No that can't be right. There was no name with that on when we registered. Now that I think about it, neither was there a Deku. They must be nicknames they gave each other. After all they clearly know each other for a while.

I don't stand a chance against him as they have history. Who am I kidding, why would someone as manly as him even like dudes. He probably want a week dainty girl, who he would look impressive next too. Oh how I hate how my brain and body react with each other.

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