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1) "Name?"


2) "Age?"


3)" What are your hobbies?"

I like to write and read (that is probably obvious), doodle (I don't know if it's a hobby?), Sing (though I'm a very horrible singer) And I actually like watching Anime and cartoons in my spare time even though it might sound weird.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I think I started writing stories ever since I learnt how to form English sentences. I was inspired by this kid's anime where they used to write Mangas so I thought I'd write comics too, and I thought it was fun.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

Honestly, I don't really remember. As I said, I used to write and draw comics with a friend ever since I learnt English. But recently, I found a very old book of mine in which I'd written a comic. So I think that was my first story ever? It was about a superhero who was illiterate but nevertheless wanted to erradicate blind fate and stuff like that. I might as well say that it was really cringey.

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

Nope. And I don't even think I will. Wattpad has always been so supportive of young and amateur writers and that's what I like the most about it.

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

The happiness I get through writting is immeasurable. I've always loved writing and didn't really care about people's opinions. And that's what keeps me going. My happiness and joy.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Not generally. But yeah, I did think of giving up writing on Wattpad. I know I'm not that great of a writer and my writing is cringeworthy. Though this fact keeps me away from writing during my low times, I don't let it affect me that much because I know I'll improve eventually.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

Wow, there are so many. To list some of em, Storm and Silence series by @RobThier, The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield by @ninyatippett, I Sold Myself To The Devil For Vinyls.... Pitiful I Know by @DarknessAndLight and Pause series by @CJ_Adler

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

Oh yes. Definitely. I never thought I could meet so many amazing people here. I would've never imagined that most of my closest friends would be from Wattpad. I don't think I need to tag them. Those witches already know who they are.

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

Yes. I try to leave some of the perks that I've got into my characters. I leave pieces of my personalities in all of my characters. For instance, Ruby can't stop caring about things, just like me. Cynthia is the rarer part of me where I act carefree and try to live my life to the fullest even though I do have some sadness within me.

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