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I'm so happy that this whole 'interviews with authors from abroad ' thing is still on!


Enjoy xx

1) "Name?"

My name is Shani.

2) "Age?"

I'm 17 years old, but I'm turning 18 next month (November) 😊

3)" What are your hobbies?"

My only hobby and only love is writing! Although I also don't mind a bit of singing sometimes. I like kareoke!

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I started writing on Wattpad when I was 14. Initially I only wanted to make an account for reading, but I started to get my own ideas for a story ('You Still Remember') so I decided to write them down. I've always enjoyed writing, but I had no idea I'd enjoy it as much as I do now. Writing on Wattpad was what made me realize just how much I love to do it.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

I actually wrote my very first story when I was 8 or 9 years old. It was about Michael Jackson 😂😂 at 10 or 11 I wrote out some other stories on paper. They took me so long but I remember being so proud of myself when I was done!

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

Nope. You can only find me and my stories on Wattpad!

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

My readers have given me more motive than I could ever imagine. When I first started writing on Wattpad I had absolutely no idea that I'd end up with over 2K followers three years later. My readers have been so amazing, I would be nothing without them. I was really amazed by them when the pressure of writing 4 books at a time got to me, so I had to change things around a little and even had to put one of the four books on hold. These arrangements are still lasting up to now, and their support has been unreal. They are always so understanding and I love them with all my heart.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)?'

There have been plenty of times where I've wanted to give up, and actually have given up, on writing a book. I strongly stand by the idea that writing isn't supposed to be a chore. If it feels like a chore, then that's not a good sign. If you don't enjoy what you're writing, and if your heart's not in it, you may as well not write it at all. So that's why there are a couple of books that I've lost all motivation for and had to delete them from my page. In general, sometimes when the Writer's Block hits you and you can think of absolutely no ideas at all, you just want to stop trying to think of them. But I'm lucky to have such patient and understanding readers. I always pull through in the end, and it's all because if them.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

Oh, there are so many - I really can't pick! There are loads of talented writers on this website who write truly wonderful books. It's impossible to only have one favourite!!

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

I've been lucky enough to form lots of friendships on Wattpad. These days I love to interact with my readers by doing things like replying to their comments. I never used to reply to comments, but when I started doing it, I realized that it was a great opportunity to make new friends. I cant mention all the amazing friends I've made, or else we'll be here all day!! But one of my favourite experiences of making friends on Wattpad was when I became friends with fadoraharry_. She's an amazing and wonderful friend - we talk so much that it's almost like we're not even on opposite sides of the world anymore! But even with that said, I love all of my new friends. It's great to talk to them - and the best part about it is that it stops you from feeling alone.

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