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1) "Name?"


2) "Age?"

I'm in my 20s *Retains sexy air of mystery*

3)" What are your hobbies?"

Travelling. Reading. Petting strangers dogs. Reading about serial killers at 3am then being unable to sleep. Drinking copious amounts of tea (yes, that is a hobby). Staring at pictures of Harry Styles while breathing heavily. Watching strangers argue in comment sections on the internet. Ya know, the usual stuff.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I'd never written any fiction until about 2016 when I wrote my first story on here.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

I'd been reading loads of fanfics and decided to have a stab at my own. The result was Iridescent- a story with a plot I still like but horrendously crappy writing skills. I've taken half of it down to completely edit but my writing style has changed and developed so much that it's a huge task. *Sighs theatrically*

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

No, just Wattpad for me. I love the community here, I wouldn't want to write anywhere else.

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

My life is so busy these days that I don't often get a lot of time to write and I have to really push myself. I don't think I've ever found anything I enjoy doing in my free time as much as writing though, so just the pure pleasure of it motives me.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

In direct contradiction to my last answer, yes all the time. Mainly when I'm just going through a phase where it feels like everything I write is crap, but then I think about my hoards of adoring fans and decide that I can't let the two of them down.

Seriously though, if I let myself go too long without writing then it can seem like a massive task to get back into it and sometimes it just seems easier to not open wattpad and pretend it doesn't exist for a little while.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

Oh this is really hard. I don't think I could choose. I love the stories of oceanlyfeand chanmapanand StylesClarityxx but there are literally hundreds of books on here that I've loved.

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

Oh loads! Wattpad is just the most gorgeous community of lovely people. You get the odd bad apple like @ellen_eml (only joking E, you're FAB) There are actually two girls who I met on wattpad when I first started on here. Both have since left the site but we all still talk every week and we've been friends for a couple years now. More recently there's the lovely @hallwaymeeting who is so positive and seriously lovely. @Rox1968 is amazing, she's so positive and encouraging- she's also direct and straight talking and I really like that. @chanmapan is my wattpad mum and the kindest person ever ♥️ @oceanlyfe is my friend (yes you are, Ashleigh, stop trying to wriggle away *clings to your legs*) @Minniemair is the person I ALWAYS associate with wattpad as she's been around since I started on here, she's been my rock on here since day one! There are a bunch of others but those are the first ones that spring to mind... Sorry if I haven't mentioned you, I still love you.

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