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1) "Name?"


2) "Age?"


3)" What are your hobbies?"

I work a lot but I like to hike, listen to music and hang out with my nephews. Oh, and writing, obvs.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I think I've always enjoyed writing, but I probably started writing more seriously in high school. I find for me it's a good way to be creative and explore different parts of myself and my mind. It's always interesting to see where my brain takes me haha.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

My first story was A Lifetime of Moments, which is why I'm currently editing and re-posting, it needs some work!

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

I only write on wattpad, I do have a tumblr where I post quotes of my stories @harrystylesfanfiction).

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

To be honest motivation tends to come and go for me...but I find sometimes something as simple as a nice comment on one of my stories makes me want to write more. I think readers often underestimate the impact comments have for an author and how much it means to us, it's the best thing ever! I also pull a lot of ideas out of songs. Say You Won't Let Go initially gave me the idea for Saving Styles.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

I think there have definitely been times where life has been super busy and I haven't been able to write as much, but I think I'll always write. I used to update every day, but I've had to slow down a bit. I also know as a reader how frustrating it is to start a book and get into it only for the write to never finish it so I always make sure I finish what I start.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

That is so hard! There's so much talent out there. I really enjoyed the Anarchy series.

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

Of course! I consider all my readers friends, some have been with me since the very beginning. Some DM me after every chapter to tell me what they thought and it's amazing!

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

I think there are pieces of me in all my characters. Since I write things from different POVs I get the opportunity to write from different perspectives and tap into different sides of myself. I think Hailey's need for adventure, TJ's loyalty to those she loves , Hannah's desire to take care of people, those are all things I've kind of pulled out.

12) "What did you study /are you studying/do you want to study?"

I am a psychiatric nurse so that keeps me busy for now.

13)" Describe yourself in 3 words."

Loyal, Empathetic, Strong.

14) "What do you advise new writers?"

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