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1) "Name?"

My name is Kiera, it's not actually Jane. Cats out of the bag with that. Although I don't think anyone actually thought my name was Jane Doe, what an incredibly morbid name for a child if my parents had done that. (Can't lie, I kinda would've dug that though)

2) "Age?"

I'm 30. I'm in the process of buying a rocking chair so I can sit out the front of my house and yell at kids to get off my lawn.

3)" What are your hobbies?"

I have far too many hobbies, Jack of all trades and master of none kinda deal I guess.

I draw and paint, which I've done since I could hold a pencil, mostly tattoo style artwork because most of my life I've intended on being a tattooist. I do digital art as well, mostly in Photoshop.

I do makeup, both beauty and SFX and dabble in modelling occasionally (rarely) but I'm more comfortable on the other side of the camera doing makeup and pose coaching.

I do YouTube videos, I like video editing as well and teaching myself to use different editing software, I'm self taught with pretty much everything I do.

I do hair, if it's styling I mostly do a lot of vintage pin up type hair. I also dye hair, usually only bright unnatural colours (make it look like a unicorn vomited on your head) and dabble a bit with styled hair cuts (usually the alternative styles), I also mess around with making and installing synthetic dread locks as well as hair extensions.

Aside from that, I write (as you all know) and pretty much just do anything I can creative, art or craft related.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

Well you see, it all began one fateful night back in December 2018 when drunk Kiera was all "I'm gonna write a book, no idea what I'm doing but I'm gonna do it anyway"

I started writing as a way to entertain myself, found it really cathartic and fell in love with it. Never even had the faintest inclination to write a day in my life before that and didn't even know I could write.

I also wanted to write a story, I'd be interested in and want to read, had things in it I found interesting and also the humour I like.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

I started Unforgettable and Stall around the same time and both are my first, I started Unforgettable maybe a week before Stall and wrote them both at the same time. But Stall is my first completed story ever.

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

Nope. Never wrote before I found wattpad and I wouldn't have a clue if any other sites like this one exist. I didn't even know wattpad existed or was a thing until a year ago.

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

That's a tough question for me, because I can't seem to stop writing. My issue has never been being able to keep writing, it's being not able to stop. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of compulsive writing problem at this point.

Definitely developed a writing crack habit.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Nope, never. Writing saved my sanity and my life when I found it and I think if I stopped I'd end up back in a very dark place. It makes me far too happy to ever want to stop, whether people read what I do or not.

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