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1) "Name?"


2) "Age?"


3)" What are your hobbies?"

Other than writing, I love singing and anything to do with music, reading, watching TV and keeping up with my blog.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I've loved writing since I was a little girl. I remember writing a short story called Is It Freckles or Chicken Pox lmao. As for fan fiction, I wrote my first one in 2000. It was a KISS/Paul Stanley fic and I never ended up finishing it. I first started writing Harry Styles fic in early 2015. I wasn't really part of the writing community yet, I just liked him and wanted to write about him.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

My first Harry fic was Out of Bounds.

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

I write my stories in Google Docs, then I post them both here and on my tumblr.

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

Encouraging friends and nice comments. Feedback is the food of any writer. When you know people care and want to keep reading your stories, it makes you want to continue.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Sure, but it doesn't last long. I almost always want to write, even if I have writer's block or life gets in the way.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

I've read some great ones, but The Other Man series by @goldenbootshersh is probably my favorite.

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

I have lots of friends on here, though most of them I originally became friends with on tumblr. @whoopsharrystyles, @abutterflyonhistummy, @goldenbootshersh, @yourekillingmestyles, and @fairyt0ld are all really good pals of mine to name a few.

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

Stacey in Too Far From Texas is based on me, though I'm not a redhead, I'm not a published author, I don't have a Lorelei, and I've never met Harry.

12) "What did you study /are you studying/do you want to study?"

I have my associate's degree in Office Technology which is just a fancy term for a secretarial program. I changed to that from Music and I still wish I hadn't. But that was 20 years ago.

13)" Describe yourself in 3 words."

Creative, Funny, Sensitive

14) "What do you advise new writers?"

I would say write what you would like to read, not what you think others want to read. Then keep writing. When you look back, you'll notice how much you've grown, but you can still be proud of that first story because you wrote it yourself.

15)" Questions based on ' Too Far From Texas' :  How were you inspired to write this story?"

I wanted to write something close to home. I was going through a divorce and I felt like I should write about a single mom, and a strong woman. I was also inspired by the Stevie Nicks song Too Far From Texas, so I decided to use it for the title. The lines "there's a plane, it's headed for London" and "In a room just outside of Houston" fit perfectly with Harry and me since I live in Houston.

16)" Who's your favourite character in the book and why? "

Well Harry's the obvious answer lol. I love the kids because they are mine. I only changed the names. I love Lorelei too because she's an Aussie and friend goals.

17)" Have you decided the end of the book? "

I've actually had an ending scene written for a while. But the more I write, the more I think I might change it a bit. We'll see.

18)"If you were asked to publish your book , would you do it?"

Of course, what a dream!

19)"Which is your favourite a)  funny,  b) dramatic,  c) romantic, d) sad scene in the book,  until now?"

Funny: I loved the scene with Harold and Millicent in England lol.

Dramatic: The scene in Harry's pool kinda killed me a bit.

Romantic: When Harry comes to Houston...you know the part ;).

Sad: The part in England when Stacey opens up about her marriage.

20) " A phrase or a scene that you write and you'll never forget.(and why)"

Not just one scene or line, but an ever present thread weaving throughout the story is Harry's continuously trying to get Stacey to believe she deserves happiness. "Will you let me woo you?" I think might have been the first hint. And if I'm being honest, this was not deliberate. I only just recently realized I've been writing this. I think I'm trying to tell myself something.

21) " How much time did it take to plan the whole plot? Are we near the end?"

I don't think I had the entire plot planned in the beginning. Just the inspiration and the bookstore scene. It went from there. But yes, we are near the end.

22)" How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?"

I have another story I've started, but only one chapter. I'll wait to begin posting when I have it at least half finished.

23) "Any spoilers for future plans?"

Only that it will get sad for a bit.

24)"  Are you planning to publish a sequel?"

I hadn't considered it. This book has taken much longer to write than I'd planned and it's drained me a lot. But never say never.

25) " Choose- 'challenge' two writers that you want to know about to do this interview like you."

@shreddedhearts and @goldenbootshersh please :)


1) "What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?"

Hey I was a kid in the 80s, we wore a lot of embarrassing clothes lol.

2) "What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?"

Aw I don't like to insult people unless they're mean to me.

Thank you so much heart-attack-harry !!!❤❤❤

All the love,

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