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1) "Name?"

My pen name is Nina, but thaaaaat’s not my reeaaaal name!! You know, cause I only sign it with a pen? Haha, all jokes aside, I would tell you my real name, but then I’d have to kill you.

2) "Age?"

My friends say I should act my age — what’s my age again? If you got that reference, you know how old I am. AKA old enough to know better, and tired enough to not care anymore.

3)" What are your hobbies?"

My hobbies these days mostly include preventing myself from jumping off the deep end on the regular. But when I’m not growing a Jay Leno sized stripe of gray in my hair, I’m usually too busy to have hobbies. And when I’m not, I’m doing something creative — singing, designing, drawing. Or playing a stupid phone game that involves burning people’s castles — ya know, cause I’ve got a lot of aggression to get out. They don’t call me “Baby Tyrant” for nothing!

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

Serious answer to a serious question. My dad was always the writer in the family — and I would often ask for his help with homework. He would usually do my homework for me, which I actually hated, because it didn’t actually help me. But alas, my dad wasn’t around much, so it was quality time spent. Didn’t matter that a 9 year old didn’t know what facetious meant — it was the thought that counts. My dad also wrote my moms college term papers, so it was a bit of a family affair.

Anyway, something happened at school my senior year, and my dad wrote an article that he put in the newspaper, and it moved the entire community to action and emotion. I then realized the power of words and started developing my own stuff without any intervention from Dad’s help.

I continued to write — starting with fam fam fiction for some 90s boy bands, and somehow found my own style along the way. I’ve kept adapting it since.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

Actually, my first stories are some of my more unread stories like Washed Up and Another Chance. Then I decided to do a bunch of smutty shorts and called it the Dirty Series, and then I started writing Un-Tying the Knot, which was a reboot of an older story I had started writing a long time ago.

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

Nope, Wattpad is it for me, and probably always will be. I’ve had offers to put my work elsewhere for money, but Wattpad is enough work for me.

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

I write for personal reasons, but the readers comments — especially the funny ones — make it worth it. I try to do the same for my favorite authors, as it’s easy to get crappy comments by people who don’t know how hard it is to write good material.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Every other day. Honestly, I haven’t written much in the last year. I was in the hospital the beginning of last year and the beginning of this year for extended time periods, and I just haven’t really found the motivation to get back into it. I stay pretty active in the reading community, though, and have updated a couple of times. I’ve been slowly working back up to get into finishing Another Sunken Anchor. Or to start a new one, maybe.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

Ugh, that’s hard. There are so many good ones — but probably the best I’ve read are WhoopsHarryStyles Appeal Denied and her Nowhere / Somewhere / Everywhere series, and Meet Me in the Hallway by @aggressivelyfriendly. I think my favorite underrated writer is @sarbearfive, all of who’s series are amazing and she does not get enough reads for the quality of her writing. Oh and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is an amazing thriller by @Lunaxxstyles that also doesn’t get enough cred.

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