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Song : 'Bad Blood' by Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar

• Song : 'Bad Blood' by Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar

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"I know why you hate it, but sorry I can't help you."

【King's Queens】

1428, Goryeo Palace, Korea

General is walking ahead holding the leash of his horse. Lee Yang sat on it behind him, still cold from all of the things that happened just a few minutes ago. She was already petrified from the thugs and then someone she didn't want to see anymore suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

She doesn't know what to think anymore.

"Why are you here?" Yang blurred out in a stiff tone, eyes looking anywhere but the man walking in front of her. Byeong Suk's heart shatters, the same thing bugging his mind. Why is he here? He ran away from her, then why he has to be here?

"I'm the general in charge of your security, your majesty" He snapped back at her while still walking ahead, gripping tightly onto the horse's leash. Yang purses her lips wrapping her arms around herself, trying to backbite her witty remarks.

It was just the chirping of birds that both of them heard after just a mere sentence exchanged among them. The forest is way too silent and their battle within themselves to stay as quiet as possible is making it weirder between them. They want to talk, scream at each other, discuss their situations but neither the time is good, nor the place.

Byeong Suk's top priority at this moment is to keep the 'Queen' safe and take her to the palace. King would be waiting for her arrival. It doesn't matter to him who the queen is; he has to fulfil his job at all cost. And for him, it's better not to hold any conversation with the person he is with at the moment.

But as hard as he tries not to even spare his so-called queen even a glance, he couldn't resist himself. She is the person he spends most of his life with, it's hard to ignore her no matter what the situation might be.

He turns his head around slightly, trying his best to look at her without her noticing, only to be met with a super awkward Yang holding onto her shoulder where her dress was torn by the thugs. Byeong Suk's blood boiling onto the mere thought of those bastards touching her. He gulped trying to calm his anger down.

He is well aware of the fact that Yang is very conscious about her skin being on display and this torn dress is definitely putting her in a situation she never likes.

He suddenly halts in his steps, making Yang question but he ignores her and proceeds to take his scarf off from around his neck. He extended his arm towards her, handing her his scarf, still looking away from her.

Yang looks at the object in front of her eyes, a warm feeling spreading across her body seeing his gesture.


"Did you make sure of all the arrangements for our new queen?" Kim Wang Go asks the lady in waiting.

Kim Wang Go is one of the important members of the Royal Council. The king has put greater trust in him for welcoming his beloved new queen and because of that, the royal member has been lurking around the palace making sure the queen doesn't face any problem after her awaited arrival.

He doesn't mind the fact that King personally requested him to honour his queen's arrival. He is not only a royal council member but like a brother to the King so it was already expected by Wang Go for him to be given this honour.

He likes it as well. He has heard so much about queen Lee Yang that it is a must for him to keep everything for her as special as ever. He knows how much she means to the king and that makes it his topmost priority to serve her the best on this earth.

He smiled to himself finally proud of his King getting the girl he always wanted. The girl he adored for such a long time. Being like his brother, Wang Go is actually happy for him.

His eyes took upon the decorations of the palace, specially themed in red for the Queen. Just the thought of his King finally finding happiness in his life makes Wang Go feel warm inside.

"Aren't you enjoying this too much?" A sharp voice interrupted his thoughts. He turns his head slightly towards the woman standing a few inches away from him.

Holding her hanbok perfectly by her thighs, Queen Kang Ji Eun, walk closer to Wang Go. A very evident scoff on her face, clearly annoyed by all the things happening in the palace.

Queen Kang Ji Eun, King's first wife, is currently the most irritated person in the whole palace and why wouldn't she be. Her husband is bringing him another wife even after bearing a child with her, what woman would be happy about the fact.

"Your majesty" Wang Go bows slightly, respectfully. Ji Eun roams her hand onto the decorative curtains on the wall beside, sinister smile on her face. Her eyes throwing daggers onto the beautiful efforts for decorations.

"That witch" She muttered enough for Wang Go to hear. "Looks like she captured almost everything even before she stepped in"

Wang Go just quietly stood there, completely aware of her pent up frustration. He hung his head down letting her spill as much venom as she can because, in the end, this is the reality, the King now has a new Queen.

"I don't know why people are so excited about her? I mean, you already have a queen, watching you over for so long, even carrying the next heir. You should be worshipping me not that new girl." She said emphasising Yang as a girl, looking down upon her. She looks up at Wang Go waiting for him to say anything, but much to her despair he didn't utter a word. He has nothing to say. He understands why Ji Eun is sad, but he does understand what Yang means to his king.

Ji Eun purses her lips and suddenly jerks her hand holding onto the curtain making it fall down completely, ruining the decorations. Wang Go watches it fall down, heart dropping seeing his efforts go down in vain. He looks back at the Queen, shock evident on his face.

"I'll make sure she stays in the best dungeon." Ji Eun said through her teeth before spinning around onto her heels and disappearing into the palace.

The workers gathered around Wang Go, taken aback by the sudden fall of the decorations.

"Hang it up again. Make sure they don't fall again being weak!" Wang orders before turning around and leaving the direction far away from Queen Ji Eun.

There is nothing he could, or want to do that can make Ji Eun happy.

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