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Song : 'Hello Beautiful' by Noah Schnacky

"Things are joyful when we think everything is great

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"Things are joyful when we think everything is great."

【Watch Your 

Sun sank down long ago leaving the sky dark with not even a single spec of the moon today. Jasmine stirs away from her deep slumber. Her eyes fluttering open not realising when she fell asleep.

She removes the duet from her body stopping mid-way cause she perfectly remembers not sleeping in her bed and covering her body with it. Her eyes follow her bedroom door finding it wide open, unlike before.

She perfectly remembers neighbour boy paying her a weird visit. He was wounded in the stomach, even shot two guys on her property in front of her two innocent eyes.

Was I dreaming about everything?

No! I wasn't!

She perfectly remembers from when he came to her house to when he threw her on her bed like some rag doll and locked her room behind him. She quickly gets up from her bed frantically making her way to her living room.

The room seems weirdly spotless, almost as if no one died there. The floor is cleaned leaving not even a single trace of the blood pool earlier. What magic did he do?

Her eyes finally fall upon new furniture on the place of her old blood-stained couch. It's a beautiful purple love seat, smaller than the one kept there but beautifully matching her living room's walls.

Did he seriously buy me a new one?

Fingers inches forward, tracing the soft fabric under them, a warm fuzzy feeling spreads deep inside her. A small smile dances around the corners of her lips. She quickly takes a seat on it eyes falling upon a small, nicely folded note on the armrest. She grabs in and opens it.

'Guess you deserve it'

In clear cursive writing, only four words were written. Although she expected more from him, maybe his name or just a sorry for treating her rudely, but this sweet gift suffice it. Maybe one day he will apologize.



Another morning came too fast. She stood by the counter wrapping up the orders alone. Mrs Nayeon left early today to arrange a family dinner leaving only Jasmine and Jungkook to close the cafe on their own.

Last night, Jasmine wanted to see neighbour boy again to thank him for the new couch or let's just say to nag at him for treating her like trash. She doesn't know who he is but something inside her is yearning to meet the person again who literally ruined her day.

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