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• Song : "Take" He is Psychometric OST by Jus2

• Song : "Take" He is Psychometric OST by Jus2

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"My life is sometimes a hell hole."

【Superman In 

It's a bright Sunday evening full of sunlight seeping into the house. A boy sat on the couch in his living room fastening his shoelaces as quickly as possible.

"Jimin-ah!" An older boy calls him getting closer to his stooped figure. Already irritated enough, Jimin gets up on his feet not looking at the taller guy but very much aware of his presence.

"Don't forget anything!" The guy said handing a small piece of paper to him. He takes it, devoid of any emotion on his face and makes his way to the door.

A short drive later, Jimin stood before a big glass door. His eyes rake up the huge building before him. He puts big black shades over his face before pushing the doors open, making his way inside. People mumbling around him was the first thing he notices upon his entrance making him cringe the utmost.

I hate Supermarkets.

He purses his lips before pulling out the small list of items his housemate gave him earlier. He takes out a trolley and quickly skips to the grocery section, trying to be quick before his mind blows off from all the noises around him.

He doesn't like going shopping. The only time he does is when he's running out of something very important but his housemate, well let's say he's just too obstinate to even make sunrise at night. He practically forced him out today to just get groceries he can very well get, but no.

Jimin turns the corner of an aisle, determined to just get out of this facility. He doesn't want to be here, to begin with, but all his irritation gone down somehow when his eyes landed on a very familiar figure standing afar from him.

Her petite body cladded in a simple sweatshirt and a loosely hanging pyjama. Her long brown hair messily thrown into a bun over her head. Her lips pouting as she stood there contemplating what to pick making the corners of Jimin's lips curl unknowingly seeing her here.

His feet urging to walk closer to her but he restrains himself, watching her stroll away with her trolley full of junkies, checking out the aisle in front of her.

When Jasmine woke up this morning her stomach grumbled loudly, she was afraid that even her neighbours can hear it. She rakes down her whole damn kitchen but found nothing to eat, which lastly leads her to pay a visit to a supermarket. She practically puts down everything she finds edible into her cart.

It's been three days. Her weird, psycho, criminal neighbour boy hasn't come back to his house but little did she know he's standing just a little far from her watching her as she decides on what flavour her jelly bears should be.

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