Interview of @AlaskaEverfall

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~Personal life~ 

Hey, I’m AlaskaEverfall! :D 

1)  What month were you born in? 


2) What is your favorite colour? 

White (yes, some people disregard it as a colour) and then orange. :) 

3) If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? 

Canada, hands down. 

4) If you could meet any writer, who would it be? [Professionals who have their books published i.e J.K Rowling] 

Probably Rebecca Sparrow/Sue Lawson (who’re both among my favourite authors). 

5) What nationality are you? [Optional] 

Bengali! :D 

6) What are your top ten random things about you? 

- I can’t stand onions. 

- I have an odd obsession with carrots/anything orange 

- Vanilla ice-cream rocks my world 

- I can’t stand depressed people 

- I also can’t stand negative people in general 

- I don’t let people see me cry. 

- I get hurt/offended extremely easily 

- I don’t tell other people’s secrets. Period. 

~About your writing life~ 

1) At what age do you think writing started to appeal you? 

It never “appealed” to me. I just started randomly writing at 12, trying to get ideas out, and it kind of stuck. :) 

2) What made you want to start writing? 

Twilight! No matter how badly some claim it to be, it’s an inspiration for aspiring writers.  

3) What are you favorite genres to write? Why? 

Coming-of-age, hands down. I’ve realized I’m not much of a romance-prioritized writer –I upload only my romance works on Wattpad.  

4) What is your main goal you want to achieve on Wattpad? How do you plan to accomplish it? 

I wanna win the Watty Awards! My book, Invisible Magic, got featured a month ago so that’s a goal to cross off! 

5) Is writing a vital [important] part of your life? If so how?  

I used to live and breathe it. But now I’m trying to focus on my schoolwork so The Midnight Prank War will be the final book I finish before a no-writing spree. :( 

6) How does writing influence your life? If it does, what role does it play in it? 

If I’m feeling mad/angry/upset (like I said, I’m easily offended/upset), I take it out on a keyboard. Safe, and nobody gets hurt. Although there happens to be way too many deaths/murders in my books because of that. ;) 

7) What is your guilty pleasure in writing?  {Optional}  [i.e. R-rated etc.] 

Romance in general!  

8) Where do you write your stories? And when is your best time to do so? 

I like writing at night –around 7-8. And in the couch with a laptop, where a soft breeze comes in from the door. Yes, that’s the life. 

Your reading rituals 

1) What is your favorite type of stories to read? [Genres] 


2) When do you normally read? And also, where do you read? [i.e. mobile sites {iPod, Samsung etc.}, or internet sites] 

I read any time I can –in between classes, during breaks, etc. I read printed books, not websites/internet sites. 

3) Who are your top 5 favorite authors on Wattpad? [You can exceed 5 if needed] 

My favourite authors are the ones I’ve fanned. :) 

4) Who’s writing inspires you? [Both professional and Wattpaders.] 

I’m extremely inspired by Monica Sanz (DistantDreamer)’s writing style. I don’t know why I love it so much. :P 

5) What are your 5 favorite books on Wattpad? [Only 5 this time ;D] 

Ah, I don’t read much on Wattpad! But anything by a_colorful_dreamer, kierra97, XxMinnowxX, Dreaming_Love. 

Bonus/Extra questions! 

1) Who are your closest friends on Wattpad? [Optional] 

Ivey (a_colorful_dreamer) and Rowan (MissBannanaBomb) 

2) What is your favorite catch phrase/ thing to say? 

“Fair enough.” 

“Think logically.” <- I never say that aloud; just in my head. 

3) If you could wish for anything, what would it be? 

That I could read people’s minds. I hate not being a mind-reader. ^_^ 

4) What is your lucky number, animal, letter, or even day? 

Number = 7 

Day = Thursday 

Animal = Rabbits/llamas/alpacas 

Letter = R  

5) What books would you recommend to others? 

Anything on my “Favorites” list on Goodreads! :D (There’s a link from my profile, if you’re interested) 

6) Last question of the interview, What are all your stories on your profile? Give a brief description of each. [Optional] {5-10 sentences} [Give as many of your stories as you want]  

I’m going to just do The Midnight Prank War, because it’d take too long to do every other book. 

The Midnight Prank War is a coming-of-age story about a girl who sets out for revenge, but finds out how things are a lot different than expected. (I can’t say much else, haha!) 

So that is the end of the interview! I hope you enjoyed answering these as much as I enjoyed asking them. Your chapter will come out ASAP! Thanks for your time <3 

No, thank YOU! :D 

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