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Before I left I met one of my biggest fans before it was too late and I'm glad I stayed for awhile, We both went to her Favorite beauty salon to get our nails done and it was such a nice day too.
Me: "Thank You very much for the day, I'm so glad I got to meet you before I left"
Girl: "I really wanted to meet you, I'm such a massive fan, anyway, I want to be a WWE Diva one day, what do you think of that?"
Me: "I'm glad you said that, Don't give up, if it's your dream go for it, don't be like me and miss developmental, it really is needed, have heart and fight for what you want, you'll get it I grantee it"
Girl: "Thank You, your right, that's what I should do, by the way your Daughter is cute"
Me: "Thank you, I know right? I hope I see you again one day"
Girl: "Me too, bye"
She was delighted with the autograph the picture and the time I spent with her and I enjoyed myself too, I'm glad that she wants to go there because not everyone does these days and if this job was easy then everyone would do it but it's not, it's life and that's why people do different jobs in this life, some are lucky, some are not sand 3 just live the Bella life, the life I'm living.

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