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It's still the same day I came back from my honeymoon with Josh and I played basket ball for awhile and I seen Summer.
Me: "Hi Summer, what's up?"
Summer: "Dean was at your wedding after you got off with Josh"
Me: "I know, my Mom told me and my Dad was there too, I would of been upset"
Summer: "Well he looked disappointed in himself when you left"
Me: "Good because he shouldn't of humiliated me infront of the thousonds watching us"
Summer: "He told me he wants to be friends with you and what he did to you was one of the worst mistakes he had ever made"
Me: "Well I don't know if I should forgive him, I lost respect and trust for him"
Summer: "Well I wouldn't trust my exes, if I were you I wouldn't trust him either because he is the reason why you and Renee never talk anymore"
Me: "Exactly, he will never get it into his thick skull"
(I got the ball into the net while talking to her)
Summer: "How do you do that?"
Me: "Do what?"
Summer: "Get that into the net while I was talking to you?"
Me: "Practice"
Summer: "Oh that's good"
Me: "I know"
It turns out I was right, Dean did feel bad eventually but I see exes as the enemy unless they really do care about me as a friend but he clearly does not care about me at all.
Summer: "I really thought you looked amazing in that dress"
Me: "Thank you"
Summer: "Your welcome, it's the truth"
I finished off my game and I went home, just one year ago I was let down and depressed and since a Trinity and Jon and Josh have came into my life it changed for me, Dean (Jonathan Good) clearly doesn't deserve me, I hope he really thinks about what he has done, I hope he is not ashamed of himself just because of what people think of him, I want him to know about the heart he had broken, to me he's not that good looking, I really don't know what I seen in him anyway, by the time tomorrow comes he will be all forgotten about, I don't want to hear about him.

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