Your Dad And Cory's Wedding

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In this your dad finally marries Cory. They give you the honor of planning it. Let's see what happens, and don't forget the last chapter you got to see what Cory, and his kids look like.

Plus what is your favorite 80s style? This is important.


You looked around the place they were going to have the wedding. You held your phone to your ear. "Hey did dad and Cory say what song they wanted their first dance to be?" You asked Chris over the phone.

"Uh yeah some song called Are You there." He replied, and you nodded while hanging up. You started writing the song name down.

"Hey Y/n where to put these flowers?" Cody asked. It was weird not seeing him with this with brother.

"Oh over there by the arch." You pointed at the arch, and he nodded walking over to it. This will be amazing!


You wrapped your arm around Chance's as he walked you down the aisle. You were the wedding planner, and the maid of honer. Just to make your dad happy this once you wore a pink dress. You felt the sand beneath your feet, and made sure nothing bad happened.

When Cory reached the end of the aisle, and the sad their vows you knew they would be together forever.
Your dress

Where the wedding is at

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Where the wedding is at

Where the wedding is at

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Their song


As the wedding planner/maid of honor you knew exactly where your dad might like to have the wedding. You planned everything perfectly. When Cory and Damien saw the place they were shocked at how amazing it was.

Everything was perfect... Except for one thing.

"I am not wearing that." Cody crossed his arms. You handed your future brother his tux again. He was going to ask his he could wear something else, but his twin forced him into the outfit.

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