You Meet Dadsona

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You meet my Dadsona!!!!

You walk into your house after a long day at school. You passed the kitchen to see you dad talking to some guy. The guy wipes something off of your dad's nose. You dad blushes slightly.

"Uh hey dad?" Your dad quickly looks at you.

"Oh! Hi Y/n! Did you meet Jason at the BBQ the other day?" Your dad asks.

"Um Amanda's dad right?" Jason nods. "Well nice meeting you I guess Mr. Afton."

"Nice to meet you to Y/n."


"Lucien how much longer?" Before your brother could answer Mat, and another guy walks into the alley. "Ooh you sellin' da weed?"

Your brother give you a look as in to say 'I'll murder you.' You sit on a random box. Mat and the other guy starts talking to your brother. "Hey don't mention this to my dad okay." You brother starts walking back to you.

"Hey bro watch this." You whisper to him. You sneak up behind the guy who was with Mat. "Run it's the fuzz!" The guy ups in the air. "Sorry." You laugh.

"It's alright." The guy says. "I'm Jason Afton."


You guys met at the aquarium for a field trip.


Your dad forced you out of bed to go jogging, and you guys came across Jason and Amanda.


You were at the movies with some friends. One of which being Ernest, and he started being me right after. While Ernest and your dad were talking you were talking to Jason.

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