You Meet Your Dad's Girlfriend

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So your parents got a divorce. You and Chris celebrated. Now your dad can be with Cory you thought. "Kids this is Laura." Your dad motioned to the Korean lady next to him. "She's my girlfriend."

"What?!" You and Chris locked yourself in your room for the rest of the day. You planned to break them up.


"Y/n. Lucian. This is Laura. She is my girlfriend." Your dad stated.

You instantly hated this witch. She seemed to nice.


"She's my girlfriend." Hugo stated as you quickly demanded who the lady who kissed your dad was. She looked really familiar. You didn't trust her.


"This is my girlfriend Laura." Craig smiled as he showed you the lady next to him. She was clearly Korean, and was very pretty.

You hated her.


"Who the hell are you?" You pointed at the lady who threw away your Hawaiian pizza.

"I'm Laura! You must be Y/n! I know we will be best friends. I'm your dad's girlfriend." The lady asked. You turned around, and started walking upstairs. "Y/n?"

"Fuck this shit I'm out!" You yell.

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