His Reaction To South Park

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"Y/n you are not allowed to watch this anymore." Your dad said.

"Come on dad just watch one episode with me." You told your dad.

"Okay, but only this one time." He sits next to you. "Only one episode."

Two hours later

"Can we watch the movie now?" Your dad asked.


"Y/n I really don't want you to watch this show." Your dad stated.

"Okay dad."


"Y/n. Ernest please don't watch this show." Your dad told you.

"Buuut daaaad." You wined. He shook his head. "M'kay dad."

Your brother started laughing.


"Y/n I don't want you to repeat the words on that show." Your dad stated.

"I'll try not to dad." You replied.

"Promise?" He asked.

"I don't make promises I can't keep."


Everyday people who pass your house will hear the two of you singing the South Park theme song.

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